你是如何成为非凡的程序员的? (谁能写出他能想到的任何东西?)
I am seriously interested in learning c#. Now, it is easy to learn basic stuff. But, as you go deep, it becomes really hard. I seriously want to become an awesome programmer. I want to write awesome programs like i just checked out in article sections here.
But, this looks so overwhelming and impossible to me.
I tried learning from online tutorials. But, it doesnt work 100%. Sometimes, i just dont get it.
In past 3 months, i learnt c and i thoroughly enjoyed it. I think, i am someone who learn from teacher in classroom. I can interrupt and ask questions. In online tutorials, you cant ask questions. You just have to watch and pray to god, you actually understand it.
Now, i have build my future roadmap.
1) Learn all the basics of c#. Like cover whole syllabus from variable types, delegates, interference, polymorphism etc
2) Than, create 200 projects from
I hope after this i will have enough practice to create some awesome applications.
At this point, i will consider myself as someone who knows a bit about programming.
But, its overwhelming. I think no classroom will help me to write these 200 projects.
So, my question is how do you become extraordinary programmer?
Ii guess, now i understand importance of college. May be, when you are in college you have great resource in the form of your teachers and some nerdy, geeky classmates.
How did you become extraordinary programmers? ( someone who can write anything which he can dream of?)
但是,当我读到代码,我通常会卡住。 Wy编码器做了这个或那个。
But, when i read the code, i usually get stuck. Wy coder does this or that.
我不会因为你在阅读代码时遇到问题而感到沮丧。对我来说,显而易见的事实是:世界上大多数代码都是由完全白痴写的,所以你不应该责怪自己,你不能读取愚蠢的代码 - 没有人可以。做简单的测试:阅读你自己一年前写的代码。如果你可以很好地阅读它,甚至修改功能,这将是非常好的结果;你已经走在了正确的轨道上。
I would not be frustrated by the fact you have problems reading some code. To me, the apparent fact is: most code in the world is written by complete idiots, so you should not blame yourself that you cannot read idiotic code — no one can. Do the simple test: read your own code you wrote just one year ago. If you can read it well and even modify the functionality, this would be the excellent result; you are already on the right track.
I recently read one funny article. It is not in English, so I will quickly describe the idea in my own words, based on my own understanding of the problem, using just the idea. This is about reading job postings, resumes and the real meaning of some statements, that is, reading between line. So you can often see in a posted job description:
- 我们有很多由完整的笨蛋编写的遗留代码。代码是不可读的,因此大部分时间都花在阅读和修补垃圾上。忘掉任何合理或富有成效的工作。你没有时间。您应该耐心地修补垃圾代码而不要抱怨。
- 在我们公司,我们永久地推动开发人员提交新版本和新版本。每个以前的版本总是完全垃圾,我们就是他们做的很多。
- 我们不关心质量,所以没关系写不可读的代码。我们将雇用更多的傻瓜,他们将花费几乎所有时间阅读该代码。你只是其中之一。
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Now, you can see in some resume:
Please see my past answers on career and learning:
One Challenge in WPF Programing[^],
Oracle Developer Beginner[^],
Other peoples code...[^],
[Not a question] Conceder a situation where we have a super class Worker and the two subclasses part time worker and Full time Worker[^],
How to Start a Project in C# having only Requirement?[^].