推荐答案TFS API 没有官方许可的可再发行包.所以最小的包是 Team Explorer.我也推荐 VS SP1 以确保您获得所有错误修复.不要害怕——VS SP1 包看起来很大而且需要很长时间,但它只会修补已经存在的任何产品.There is no officially licensed redistributable package for the TFS API. So the minimum package is Team Explorer. I'd recommend VS SP1 as well to make sure you get all the bug fixes. Don't be scared -- the VS SP1 package looks huge and takes forever, but it will only patch whatever products are already present.通常没有每台机器的许可限制.*但是,您需要确保将访问您编写的服务的所有用户都拥有有效的 CAL.(或者您使用的是不需要 CAL 的 TFS 工作组版)In general there are no per-machine licensing restrictions.* However, you need to ensure that all users who will access the service you've written have a valid CAL. (or you're using TFS Workgroup Edition, which does not require CALs)理论上,您可以尝试只复制您需要的程序集并手动将它们添加到 GAC.但这是不受支持的,并且在技术上违反了 EULA.In theory, you could experiment with copying just the assemblies you need and manually adding them to the GAC. But this is unsupported and technically violates the EULA.顺便说一句,您应该能够将上述任何内容安装到您喜欢的任何目录/驱动器.一旦您安装了给定的 VS 产品(例如 Professional),其他产品(例如套件、团队资源管理器等)将坚持转到同一文件夹 - 但初始安装应该是可配置的.BTW, you should be able to install any of the above to whatever directory / drive you like. Once you install a given VS product (say, Professional) then additional products (eg Suite, Team Explorer, etc) will insist on going to the same folder -- but that initial install should be configurable.*并非 100% 正确 -- 阅读 TFS 2008 许可指南以获取完整详细信息*not 100% true -- read the TFS 2008 licensing guide for complete details 这篇关于部署使用 Microsoft Team Foundation Server API 的代码的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!
10-25 08:35