本文介绍了Oracle 调优/分析表的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



What are the means to schedule automatic "analyze tables". Is it possible to request an automatic "analyze tables" when a lot of data change througt insert and deletes? What are the means to parametrize the automatic analyze tables process, i.e. to set rules when it should be triggered.


当有很大比例的数据发生变化时,有没有办法触发这个作业"理论上,您可以在自动触发 DBMS_STATS 的表上执行 AFTER INSERT 触发器.

"Is there a way to have this job being triggered when there is a substantial proportion of data changed"In theory you could do an AFTER INSERT trigger on a table that automatically sets off DBMS_STATS.

但是要小心你想要什么.如果您正在执行大型 ETL 作业,并且刚刚在表中插入了 100 万行,您不一定希望立即自动启动 DBMS_STATS 作业.同样,当您处于最繁忙的在线处理时间(例如午餐)时,您不希望通过同时收集统计数据来减慢速度.

But be careful what you wish for. If you are in the middle of a large ETL job, having just inserted a million rows into the table, you don't necessarily want to automatically immediately set off a DBMS_STATS job. Equally, when you are at your busiest on-line processing time (eg lunch) you don't want to slow it down by gathering stats at the same time.

您通常希望这些统计信息收集在使用率较低的时段(夜间、周末)运行的作业.如果您有一个加载到许多表中的大批量运行,我会将 DBMS_STATS 构建到批处理中.

You generally want these stats gathering jobs running at low-usage periods (nights, weekends). If you have a large batch run that loads into a lot of tables, I'd build the DBMS_STATS into the batch.

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10-25 02:00