

我正尝试在我的 WampServer 中使用composer。

I am trying to use composer with my WampServer.

我所有文件的路径为 C: \wamp64\www ,但是当我运行composer时,它将在其他位置安装供应商文件和其他内容。

My path for all the files is C:\wamp64\www, but when I run composer it will install the vendor file and other stuff somewhere else.


I don't even know where and I can't change the path of where is my project.I tried everything already and it still dose not seem to install the vendor file in my project folder.



Just run composer on your project folder.

说您的项目路径在 C:\wamp64\www\project0 。因此,只需在 project0 文件夹中运行 composer install 。 Composer将在此 project0 文件夹内创建 vendor 文件夹。该文件夹包含一些已安装的的文件夹。

Say your project path is on C:\wamp64\www\project0. So, just run composer install inside project0 folder. Composer will create vendor folder inside this project0 folder. This folder contain some folders of installed libraries.

Composer还会生成文件 composer。锁定。此文件包含已安装库的信息。

Composer also generate a file composer.lock. This file contain information of installed libraries.


Then, when you want to use the libraries, please add this code inside your php file.

require_once "vendor/autoload.php";

这将调用自动加载器,因此您无需使用 require_once 再加载 PHP Classess 。只需使用 use 关键字调用 Class

This will call autoloader, so you don't need to use require_once anymore to load PHP Classess. Just call the Class using use keyword.

use Library0/Class0;
use Library1/Class1;
use Library2/Class2;


07-16 09:14