

所以我决定重试angular2教程,因为上次我在路由器方面遇到了一些问题(听起来很熟悉吗?).见链接: Angular 2教程在执行每个步骤的地方,一切正常,直到进入重定向部分.

So I decided to retry the angular2 tutorial, since last time I had some issues with the router (sound familiar?). See link:Angular 2 tutorialWhere I followed every step, got everything to work, until I got to the redirect section.

  path: '',
  redirectTo: '/dashboard',
  pathMatch: 'full'

它挂在"pathMatch"上的位置.即使当我尝试在命令窗口中使用"npm start"重新启动时,也会出现此错误:

Where it hangs on the "pathMatch". Even when I try to restart with "npm start" in the command window, I get this error:

app/app.routes.ts(11,5): error TS2322: Type '({ path: string; redirectTo: string; pathMatch: string; } | { path: string; component: typeof Das...' is not assignable to type 'Route[]'.

在package.json中定义的我的路由器版本是: "@ angular/router":"3.0.0-alpha.7",我以为是最新版本?

My router version defined in package.json is: "@angular/router": "3.0.0-alpha.7", of which i thought was the latest version?


How can I check which routerversion is actually installed on my project/pc? I'm kind of new to the whole npm-deal and I'm getting stumped trying to figure this thing out. I'm guessing I may have an old router version?




Okay I guess you should have found the answer by now, but here is how you can check which version of router is installed on your system


Go into node_modules folder and then into @angular, and into router

node_modules/@ angular/router
├──index.metadata.js enter code here
上├──package.json< -----------此文件应告诉您版本

├── README.md
├── bundles
├── index.d.ts
├── index.js
├── index.js.map
├── index.metadata.jsenter code hereon
├── package.json <----------- This file should tell you the Version
├── src


I hope your problem was solved.Thanks.


05-27 06:39