我正在使用Angular 4进行应用程序开发.我需要检查使用Angular的网络连接是否可用. Angular 4有可能吗?
I am using Angular 4 for my application development. I need to check If the network connection is available for its have any Connection issue using Angular for. Is it possible with Angular 4.
检查过.我认为这不适用于角度为4的任何人.请提出任何建议.可以将Offlinejs用于Angular 4或任何其他替代方法吗?
I checked with https://github.com/HubSpot/offline
. I think this will not work for angular 4. Any one please suggest. Is this possible to use offlinejs for Angular 4 or any other alternatives?
谢谢萨拉斯(Sarath)C M
ThanksSarath C M
我们不需要任何库,但是public onlineOffline: boolean = navigator.onLine;
We don't need any libraries for this however public onlineOffline: boolean = navigator.onLine;
will do the trick but this is just a one time check. We need to treat this value as an observable so whenever the online status change we are updated. For this rxjs will help.
import { Observable, Observer, fromEvent, merge } from 'rxjs';
import { map } from 'rxjs/operators';
createOnline$() {
return merge<boolean>(
fromEvent(window, 'offline').pipe(map(() => false)),
fromEvent(window, 'online').pipe(map(() => true)),
new Observable((sub: Observer<boolean>) => {
Subscribe to this event from your constructur or ngOnInit
this.createOnline$().subscribe(isOnline => console.log(isOnline));
注意:我正在使用 Angular 8.1 和 rxjs 6.5.2
Note: Im using Angular 8.1 and rxjs 6.5.2
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