我使用 Xcode 6.1.1 将预发布应用的新版本上传到 iTunes Connect,以便我可以将其分发给我的外部 Beta 测试人员.我以前用同一个应用程序的两个版本完成了这项工作,并且运行良好.
I used Xcode 6.1.1 to upload a new version of a prerelease app to iTunes Connect so I could distribute it to my external beta testers. I've done this with two versions of the same app previously and it worked fine.
但这一次,上传卡在正在处理"状态一个多星期.我又试了一次(相同版本,新版本号),现在已经超过 24 小时了,没有任何变化.
But this time, the upload was stuck in "Processing" state for over a week. I tried again (same version, new build number) and it's now been over 24 hours with no change.
转到 iTunes Connect 中的资源与帮助".选择联系我们"并按照向导操作.我认为除了 Apple 之外没有任何人可以回答这个问题.这就是我们过去在类似情况下所做的.
Go to "Resources & Help" in iTunes Connect. Select "Contact Us" and follow the wizard. I don't think anyone other than Apple can answer this. And this is what we have done in a similar situation in the past.
这篇关于我的预发布应用程序一直在“处理"在 iTunes Connect 中使用了一个多星期,结果如何?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!