I have a webpage in WkWebview, and in the webpage there is rect region where I want to put a UIView playing live movie. I've made the webview and uiview, but I cannot figure out how to make the uiview's position to the rect region. That's to say, when user scroll the webview, the uiview scroll also scrolls. It seems the uiview is a a part of webpage. How can I fix the uiview to webpage in webview?
Thanks for any help.
Finally I solved this by use javascript to get the regin location of webpage. Then set the UIView to that location.
以下是网页中regin div标记电影的代码,uiview具有名称播放器。
Here is the code, in the webpage the regin div has tag movie, and the uiview has name player.
func scrollViewDidScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
self.wk.evaluateJavaScript("var rect = document.getElementById('movie').getBoundingClientRect();[rect.left, rect.top];") {
(result, error) -> Void in
self.player.view.frame.origin.x = (result as! Array)[0]
self.player.view.frame.origin.y = (result as! Array)[1]