pIc: 小提琴链接: https://jsfiddle.net/Zedhmem/ju0xr8of/1/ 解决方案请检查以下来源。 $(document).ready(function(){$('。标签a')。on('click',function(e){e.preventDefault(); var _this = $(this); var block = _this.attr('href'); $( removeClass(active); _this.parent()。addClass(active); if(block ==#signup){$(block).fadeIn(); $('#login')。hide );} if(block ==#login){$(block).fadeIn(); $('#signup')。hide();}});}); / pre> *,*:before,*:after {box-sizing:border-box; } html {overflow-y:scroll; } body {background:#c1bdba; font-family:'Titillium Web',sans-serif; } a {text-decoration:none;颜色:#1ab188; -webkit过渡:.5s缓解;过渡:.5s缓解; } a:hover {color:#179b77; } .form {background:rgba(19,35,47,0.9); padding:40px; max-width:600px; margin:40px auto; border-radius:4px; box-shadow:0 4px 10px 4px rgba(19,35,47,0.3); } .tab-group {list-style:none; padding:0; margin:0 0 40px 0; } .tab-group:after {content:; display:table;清除: } .tab-group li a {display:block; text-decoration:none; padding:15px;背景:rgba(160,179,176,0.25);颜色:#a0b3b0; font-size:20px; 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} < script src =https:// ajax .googleapis.com / ajax / libs / jquery /2.1.1/jquery.min.js>< / script> < div class =form> < ul class =tab-group> < li class =tab active>< a href =#signup> LeaderBoard< / a>< / li> < li class =tab>< a href =#login> MedalTally< / a>< / li> < / ul> < div class =tab-content> < div id =signup> < div class =leaderboardid =leaderboard> < h1> < svg class =ico-cup> < use xlink:href =#cup>< / use> < / svg>排行榜< / h1> < ol> < li> < mark> Jerry Wood< / mark> < small> 315< / small> < / li> < li> < mark> Brandon Barnes< / mark> < small> 301< / small> < / li> < li> < mark> Raymond Knight< / mark> < small> 292< / small> < / li> < li> < mark> Trevor McCormick< / mark> < small> 245< / small> < / li> < li> < mark> Andrew Fox< / mark> < small> 203< / small> < / li> < li> < mark> Andrew Fox< / mark> < small> 203< / small> < / li> < li> < mark> Trevor McCormick< / mark> < small> 245< / small> < / li> < li> < mark> Andrew Fox< / mark> < small> 203< / small> < / li> < / ol> < / div> < svg style =display:none;> < symbol id =cupx =0pxy =0pxwidth =25pxheight =26pxviewBox =0 0 25 26enable-background =new 0 0 25 26xml:space =preserve> < path fill =#F26856d =M21.215,1.428c-0.744,0-1.438,0.213-2.024,0.579V0.865c0-0.478-0.394-0.865-0.88-0.865H6.69 C6.204, 0,5.81,0.387,5.81,0.865v1.142C5.224,1.641,4.53,1.428,3.785,1.428C1.698,1.428,0,3.097,0,5.148 C0.7.2,1.698,8.869,3.785,8.869h1。 453c0.315,0,0.572,0.252,0.572,0.562c0,0.311-0.257,0.563-0.572,0.563 c-​​0.486,0-0.88,0.388-0.88,0.865c0,0.478,0.395,0.865,0.88,0.865c0。 421,0,0.816-0.111,1.158-0.303 c0.318,0.865,0.761,1.647,1.318,2.31c0.686,0.814,1.515,1.425,2.433,1.808c-0.04,0.487-0.154,1.349-0.481,2.191 c-0.591,1.519-1.564,2.257-2.975,2.257H5.238c-0.486,0-0.88,0.388-0.88,0.865v4.283c0,0.478,0.395,0.865,0.88,0.865h14.525 c0.485,0, 0.88-0.388,0.88-0.865v-4.283c0-0.478-0.395-0.865-0.88-0.865h-1.452c-1.411,0-2.385-0.738-2.975-2.257 c-0.328-0.843-0.441-1.704-0.482-2.191 c0.918-0.383,1.748-0.993,2.434-1.808c0.557-0.663,1-1.445,1.318-2.31 c0.342,0.192,0.736,0.303,1.157,0.303c0.486,0,0.88-0.387,0.88 -0.865c0-0.478-0.394-0.865-0.88-0.865 c-0.315,0-0.572-0.252-0.572-0.563c0-0.31,0.257-0.562,0.572-0.562h1.452C23.303,8.869,25,7.2,25 ,5.148 C25,3.097,23.303,1.428,21.215,1.428z M5.238,7.138H3.785c-1.116,0-2.024-0.893-2.024-1.99c0-1.097,0.908-1.99,2.024-1.99 c1.117,0 ,2.025,0.893,2.025,1.99v2.06C5.627,7.163,5.435,7.138,5.238,7.138z M18.883,21.717v2.553H6.118v-2.553H18.883 L18.883,21.717z M13.673,18.301 c0.248,0.65,0.566,1.214,0.947,1.686h-4.24c0.381-0.472,0.699-1.035,0.947-1.686 c0.33-0.865,0.479-1.723,0.545-2.327c0.207,0.021,0.416, 0.033,0.627,0.033c0.211,0,0.42-0.013,0.627-0.033 C13.195,16.578,13.344,17.436,13.673,18.301z M12.5,14.276c-2.856,0-4.93-2.638-4.93-6.273 V1.73h9.859v6.273 C17.43,11.638,15.357,14.276,12.5,14.276z M21.215,7.138h-1.452c-0.197,0-0.39,0.024-0.572,0.07v-2.06 c0-1.097,0.908 -1.99,2.024-1.99c1.117,0,2.025,0.893,2.025,1.99C23.241,6.246,22.333,7.138,21.215,7.138z/> < / symbol> < / svg> < / div> < div id =login> < div class =leaderboard> < h1> < svg class =ico-cup> < use xlink:href =#cup>< / use> < / svg> Leaderboard1< / h1> < ol> < li> < mark> Jerry Wood1< / mark> < small> 3115< / small> < / li> < li> < mark> Brandon Barnes1< / mark> < small> 3101< / small> < / li> < li> < mark> Raymond Knight1< / mark> < small> 2192< / small> < / li> < li> < mark> Trevor McCormick1< / mark> < small> 2145< / small> < / li> < li> < mark> Andrew Fox1< / mark> < small> 2103< / small> < / li> < li> < mark> And1rew Fox1< / mark> < small> 2103< / small> < / li> < li> < mark> Tre1vor McCormick1< / mark> < small> 2145< / small> < / li> < li> < mark> Andrew Fox1< / mark> < small> 2103< / small> < / li> < / ol> < / div> < / div> < / div><! - tab-content - > < / div> I have two tabs "Overall LB" and "Weekly LB" .Lb denotes leaderboard.Clicking on Overall displays a leaderboard with a particular score.Question:I want to display a leaderbaord with same style i.e use the same css, when I click the "weekly LB" tab.Both the leaderboard will have dioferent data as evident in the HTML below.Kindly help.$(document).ready(function() { $('.tab a').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var _this = $(this); var block = _this.attr('href'); if (block == "#leaderboard") { $(block).fadeIn(); $('#login').hide(); $(document).find('.active').removeClass("active"); $(this).parent().addClass("active"); } if (block == "#login") { $(block).fadeIn(); $('#leaderboard').hide(); $(document).find('.active').removeClass("active"); $(this).parent().addClass("active"); } }); $('.tab.active a').click(); // Default open});*,*:before,*:after { box-sizing: border-box;}html { overflow-y: scroll;}a { text-decoration: none; color: #1ab188; -webkit-transition: .5s ease; transition: .5s ease;}a:hover { color: #179b77;}.form { background: rgba(19, 35, 47, 0.9); padding: 10px; max-width: 330px; margin: 40px auto; border-radius: 20px; padding-bottom: 1px;}.tab-group { list-style: none; padding: 0; margin: auto;}.tab-group:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both;}.tab-group li a { display: block; text-decoration: none; color: #a0b3b0; font-size: 20px; float: left; width: 50%; text-align: center; 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-webkit-transition: all .1s ease-in-out; transition: all .1s ease-in-out; opacity: 0;}.leaderboard ol li mark::after { left: auto; border-left: none; border-right: 10px solid transparent;}.leaderboard ol li small { position: relative; z-index: 2; display: block; text-align: right; overflow: hidden;}.leaderboard ol li::after { content: ''; position: absolute; z-index: 1; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; background: #fa6855; box-shadow: 0 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08); -webkit-transition: all .3s ease-in-out; transition: all .3s ease-in-out; opacity: 0;}.leaderboard ol li:nth-child(1) { background: #fa6855; border-radius: 10px 10px 0 0;}.leaderboard ol li:nth-child(1)::after { background: #fa6855; border-radius: 10px 10px 0 0;}.leaderboard ol li:nth-child(2) { background: #e0574f;}.leaderboard ol li:nth-child(2)::after { background: #e0574f; box-shadow: 0 2px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08);}.leaderboard ol li:nth-child(2) mark::before,.leaderboard ol li:nth-child(2) mark::after { border-top: 6px solid #ba4741; 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box-shadow: 0 -1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);}.leaderboard ol li:nth-child(6) mark::before,.leaderboard ol li:nth-child(4) mark::after { top: -7px; bottom: auto; border-top: none; border-bottom: 6px solid #a63d3d;}.leaderboard ol li:nth-child(7) { background: #cd4b4b;}.leaderboard ol li:nth-child(7)::after { background: #cd4b4b; box-shadow: 0 -1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);}.leaderboard ol li:nth-child(7) mark::before,.leaderboard ol li:nth-child(4) mark::after { top: -7px; bottom: auto; border-top: none; border-bottom: 6px solid #a63d3d;}.leaderboard ol li:nth-child(8) { background: #c24448; border-radius: 0 0 10px 10px;}.leaderboard ol li:nth-child(8)::after { background: #c24448; box-shadow: 0 -2.5px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12); border-radius: 0 0 10px 10px;}.leaderboard ol li:nth-child(8) mark::before,.leaderboard ol li:nth-child(8) mark::after { top: -9px; bottom: auto; border-top: none; border-bottom: 8px solid #993639;}.leaderboard ol li:hover { z-index: 2; overflow: visible;}.leaderboard ol li:hover::after { opacity: 1; 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05-27 12:48