不要将其标记为重复。让我解释什么是错误的,告诉你我做了什么。所以这是我的问题。当我打开Android Studio时,它会给我一个如下错误:
Don't mark this as a duplicate. Let me explain what's wrong and tell you what I've done. So here's my problem. When I open Android Studio, it gives me an error like so:
So then I went to my windows firewall settings. Here is what I have:
As you can see, Firewall is off. Then, I went to my antivirus security program and turned the settings off there:
正如你也可以看到,我已经禁用智能防火墙然后,我再次打开Android Studio。我也有同样的错误。
As you can see here too, I disabled Smart Firewall. Then, I opened Android Studio again. I got the same error here too.
我按OK按钮并移动。然后,Android Studio加载了一切。之后,亚行开始加载。这是真正的错误发生的地方。
I pressed the OK button and moved on. Then, Android Studio loaded up and everything. After that, ADB started loading. This is where the real error occurs.
我也尝试过使用Eclipse,但也表示ADB没有响应。在过去一个月左右,Android Studio一直运行正常。我以前从来没有收到过这个Android Studio的错误或警告信息,所以这对我来说是比较新的。
I have also tried it with Eclipse, but it also says ADB not responding. For the past month or so, Android Studio has been working fine. I have never gotten these error or warning messages with Android Studio before, so this is rather new to me.
- 在cmd中,
adb kill-server
然后按ADB上的重新启动按钮不响应消息 -
- 重新启动计算机
- 在Nexus 5上打开和关闭USB调试
- In cmd,
adb kill-server
then I pressed the restart button on the ADB not responding message - Restarting computer
- Turning USB Debugging on and off on my Nexus 5
So, I really can't find a solution to this. Any help regarding this problem would be extremely appreciated.
Sometimes it just gets into a mess. Close your ide then Go to processes and terminate all adb processes.
然后当你打开android studio时,它应该再次启动adb(或者你可以运行像 adb devices'从命令提示符开始,如果你担心它会陷入一个糟糕的状态,而ide等待它初始化)
Then when you open up android studio it should kick off adb again fresh (or you could run something like 'adb devices' from command prompt before opening the ide if you're worried it gets in to a bad state while the ide is waiting for it to initialize)
If none of that works you could also reboot your device. I've very rarely found it necessary, but it has helped me in the past
这篇关于ADB不响应 - Android Studio的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!