我从导入的 git的项目后,它成功地下载所有库。但是,当我试图改造项目,它抛出这个错误,我没有在互联网上的任何地方。
after I import the project from git, it succesfully download all libraries. But when I tried to rebuild project, it throws this error, that I didn't find anywhere on the internet.
Android Dex: [name_of_project] Unable to execute DX
Android Dex: [name_of_project] java.io.FileNotFoundException: C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\.IdeaIC12\system\compile-server\name_of_project\android\intermediate_artifacts\name_of_project\classes.dex (System cant find the specified path.)
我试图重新安装行家,IntelliJ IDEA的,设定一次所有的路径等在系统变量,重新安装Android SDK相关...,试图设立的IntelliJ IDEA 12.0.4一些设置,重写主意一些选项。性质等,但它仍然引发此错误。有什么建议?
I tried to reinstall maven, intellij idea, set once more all paths and so on in system variables, reinstall android sdks ..., tried to set up some settings in IntelliJ Idea 12.0.4, rewrite some options in idea.properties and so on, but it still throws this error. Any suggestions?
我忘了写,当我试图编译和手机上安装项目,,, MVN干净安装,它的工作原理。只有IIDEA,坠毁。使用JDK 1.6的Android 4.2,IIDEA 12.0.4林,Windows 7的64位和Maven的最后一个版本。
I forgot to write, that when I tried to compile and install project on the phone with ,,mvn clean install", it works. Only with IIdea, it crashed. Im using JDK 1.6, Android 4.2, IIdea 12.0.4, Windows 7 x64 and the last version of Maven.
Your system has profile redirection enabled and you are affected by a Java Bug.
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