本文介绍了User-Python 的系统 CPU 使用率的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


无论如何,我是否可以交叉链接所有传入用户(CMD 中的 netstat -a)以创建一个监控系统来跟踪 Python 中每个用户使用的 CPU 百分比.Windows 系统是否会在其上写入任何日志文件?我有使用 psutil 的每个进程的 CPU 使用率,但我只是想不出一种方法来显示用户的 CPU 使用率.请我需要帮助.谢谢!

Is there anyway that I can cross link all incoming users (netstat -a in CMD) to create a montior system to track the percentage of CPU used by each of the users in python. Does the Windows system write any log files on that? I have the CPU usage per process using psutil but i just cant figure out a way to display CPU usageby user. Please I need help.Thanks!


无法单独计算每个用户的 CPU 使用率.您可以做的是计算某个用户拥有的进程的 CPU 使用率,如下所示:

It's not possible to figure out CPU usage per-user per-se.What you might do is figure out the CPU usages of processes owned by a certain user as in:

for p in psutil.process_iter():
    if p.username == 'someusername':
        print p.get_cpu_percent(interval=1)


Summing all of them in order to obtain a total is unlikely to produce a meaningful value though.

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07-22 19:26