我正在尝试在设备 (Windows Phone) 上使用振动,但是我似乎找不到合适的 API 来为 Windows 10 实现此目的.在 Windows 8.x 中,我可以使用 这个,但是这不再可用在通用 Windows 平台中.
I'm trying to use the vibration on the device (Windows Phone), however I can't seem to find the appropriate API to achieve this for Windows 10. In Windows 8.x, I can use this, however this is no longer available in Universal Windows Platform.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
截至 2016 年 1 月,您:
As of Jan 2016, you:
右键单击解决方案中的引用,添加引用->扩展->适用于 UWP 的 Windows Mobile 扩展
Right-click References in your Solution, Add Reference->Extensions->Windows Mobile Extensions for the UWP
使用 Windows.Phone.Devices.Notification;
Windows.Phone.Devices.Notification.VibrationDevice v = VibrationDevice.GetDefault();v.Vibrate(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500));
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