


PLEASE SEE MORE DETAILED QUESTION: How do I write a TypeScript declaration file for a complex external commonjs module that has constructor, such as imap?


I write TypeScript for a Node.js app, and I want to write a TypeScript declaration file for a javascript module (available from npm) that has a constructor at the module level.

这里是相关代码的简化版本,位于文件 a.js 中:

Here is a simplified version of the relevant code, in file a.js:

function A(config) {
    this.state = 'constructed';
A.prototype.update = function() {
    this.state = 'updated';
module.exports = A;

和一个简化的JavaScript应用程序 app.js ,该模块使用 a

and a simplified javascript application, app.js, that uses module a:

var mod = require('a');
var i = new mod({});
console.log('i.state=' + i.state);
console.log('i.state=' + i.state);

如何为模块 a.js 编写TypeScript声明文件?

How do I write a TypeScript declaration file for module a.js?


I've read the TypeScript Guide for Writing Definition (.d.ts) Filesbut unfortunately, I couldn't figure out how to apply the guidelines to this case.

这是我的声明文件 adts

declare module 'a' {
    import events                           = require('events');
    import EventEmitter                     = events.EventEmitter;

    interface Config {
        foo: number;
    interface Other {
        baz: number;

    class A extends EventEmitter {
        state: string;
        constructor(config: Config);
        update(): void;

    var out: typeof A;
    export = out;


I can't figure out how to make the interfaces available to my TypeScript app.I also want to keep them within the module, so that names like Config don't collide with those from other modules.

我希望我的 app.ts 看起来像这样:

This is what I expect my app.ts to look like:

import mod = require('a');
import Config = mod.Config;
import Other = mod.Other;

var other : Other = {a: 2};
var config : Config = {foo: 2};
var i = new mod(config);
console.log('i.state=' + i.state)
console.log('i.state=' + i.state)



There are a couple ways to do this, here is one:

declare class A {
    state: string;
    constructor(config: any);
    update(): void;

declare module 'a' {
    var out: typeof A;

    export = out;


If you want to include interfaces, but also have an exported class, you can set it up like this:

declare module A {
    class A {
        state: string;
        update(): void;

    interface B {
        value: any;

declare module 'a' {
    var out: typeof A.A;

    export = out;


05-28 04:44