我想将内容流式传输给客户端,这些内容可能存储在 db 中,他们会将其另存为文件.
I want to stream content to clients which is possibly stored in db, which they would save as files.
显然 res.download 可以很好地完成这项工作,但没有任何响应.* 函数接受流,只接受文件路径.
Obviously res.download would do the job nicely, but none of the response.* functions accept a stream, only file paths.
我查看了 res.download impl,它只设置了 Content-Disposition 标头,然后设置了一个发送文件.
I had a look at res.download impl and it just sets Content-Disposition header and then a sendfile.
所以我可以使用这篇文章作为指导来实现这一点.Node.js:到响应的管道流通过 HTTPS 冻结
So I could achieve this using this post as a guide.Node.js: pipe stream to response freezes over HTTPS
但似乎我会错过 res.send 执行的所有包装方面.
But it seems I would miss out on all the wrapping aspects that res.send performs.
我是否在这里遗漏了什么,或者我应该只是做管道而不用担心 - 这里的最佳实践是什么?
Am I missing something here or should I just do the pipe and not worry about it - what is best practice here?
目前正在创建临时文件,所以我现在只能使用 res.download.
Currently creating temp files so I can just use res.download for now.
您可以直接流式传输到响应对象(它是一个 Stream).
You can stream directly to the response object (it is a Stream).
A basic file stream would look something like this.
function(req, res, next) {
if(req.url==="somethingorAnother") {
res.setHeader("content-type", "some/type");
} else {
next(); // not our concern, pass along to next middleware function
这将负责绑定到 data
和 end
This will take care of binding to data
and end
这篇关于将 node/express 中的文件流式传输到客户端的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!