本文介绍了如何在Windows 10中安装.NET 4 Framework的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


如何在Windows 10中安装.NET 4.0 Framework?.NET 4.6已经安装,但是我想拥有.NET 4 Framework(无需修改注册表).

How can I install the .NET 4.0 Framework in Windows 10? .NET 4.6 is already installed but I want to have .NET 4 Framework (without modifying the registry).


Turning on and off Windows features in control panel does not have any effect.


来自"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6"的下载页面(重点是我的):

换句话说,安装了.NET 4.6(它是是Windows 10的一部分,因此您无需手动安装它)表示您已安装.NET4.0、4.5、4.5.1、4.5.2和4.6,并且可以针对任何这些框架版本,而无需对Windows安装进行任何修改.

On other words, having .NET 4.6 installed (it's part of Windows 10 so you need not manually install it) means you have .NET 4.0, 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.2 and 4.6 installed and can run code targeting any of those framework versions without making any modifications to your Windows installation.

当您安装了更高版本时,您无法安装.NET 4.0,因为每个版本都是对上一个版本的就地更新.

You cannot install .NET 4.0 when you have a later version installed as each version is an in-place update to the last.

但是,如果您的问题是在Windows 10上的Visual Studio中打开针对.NET 4.0.1、4.0.2或4.0.3的项目,则可能需要下载一个定位包:

If, however, your problem is with opening a project which targets .NET 4.0.1, 4.0.2, or 4.0.3 in Visual Studio on Windows 10, you may need to download one of the targeting packs:

我不确定是否安装了 .

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08-24 14:58