几天前我当前正在使用Delphi 2006,我下载了Delphi 2010的副本。
I am currently using Delphi 2006 a few days ago I downloaded a copy of Delphi 2010.
Delphi 2010的稳定性如何?
How stable is Delphi 2010?
我应该等到第一个Service Pack出现后再转向该版本吗?
Should I wait until the first service pack comes out before moving to this version?
我已经使用Delphi 2010几个月了,这很棒。
I have been using Delphi 2010 for a few months and it is great.
Rave报告的版本( Delphi 2010 附带的7.7BE)中有很多错误,这使得将软件从Delphi 2006迁移到Delphi 2010成为了一场噩梦。
Rave Reports 8.0BE有很多错误
The version of Rave reports (7.7BE) that comes with Delphi 2010 is full of bugs and has made migrating software from Delphi 2006 to Delphi 2010 a nightmare.Rave Reports 8.0BE has just as many bugs
It seems to be more stable than D2009.
But in regards to your question, who can tell?
D2010是在几天前发布的。 。至少需要几个月的时间才能确信所有重大问题已被Delphi用户发现。然后,您可以判断是否有适合您的表演节目。如果您的发布时间表不能这么长时间,那么请计划使用这两个编译器。对您来说,个好消息是,编写可同时在两者中使用的代码非常容易。
D2010 was released days ago. It will take at least a couple months to be confident that all major issues have been uncovered by Delphi users. Then you can judge whether any are show-stoppers for you. If your release timeline can't hold off that long, then plan on using both compilers for a little bit. The good news for you is that it's quite easy to write code which works in both.
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