

我有一个文件,该文件已在动态视图中检出并在一段时间前未经检入而被修改,我将其称为 version i 。同时,开发分支已经进行,并检查了同一文件的多个较新版本( j k l )从其他观点来看。我需要合并版本i和l的修改。我不能简单地检查 version i ,因为这会生成前身不是最新的错误。

I have a file which has been checked out in a dynamic view and modified a certain time ago without being checked in, I'll call this version i. In the mean time the development branch has moved on and several newer versions (j, k and then l) of the same file have been checked in from other views. I need to merge the modifications of version i and l. I can't simply check version i in because that generates a "predecessor is not latest" error.


Is there a safe (and simple) way of doing that?



  • 结帐 l ,然后

  • 使用第三方合并工具()将 i (源)与 l (目标,已选中)合并出来)。

  • 然后检入新的合并版本 m

  • checkout l, and then
  • use a third-party merge tool (kdiff3 for instance) to merge i (source) with l (destination, checked out).
  • Then check in a new merged version m.

最后,您可以在第一个动态视图中撤消checkout i ,从而允许该版本自动(动态)更新为最新版本' m '(合并结果)

Finally, you can undo checkout i in the first dynamic view, allowing that version to update itself automatically (dynamically) to the latest version 'm' (result of the merge)


07-03 05:14