只要发现该ManyToManyField导致当选择了特定相册管理界面崩溃.我把它们注释掉了,注释掉了所有引用,重新运行了 makemigrations
和 migrate
,现在管理界面又可以工作了……这使我离实现此目标还差得远收藏夹"列的工作:(请参阅此跟进:函数执行此连接.视图的 get_queryset()
(下面完整的 views.py
return super(AlbumList,self).get_queryset().order_by("pub_date").extra(select = {"is_favorite":"favorited_by_users__id =" + str(request.user.id)})
但是,尽管这不会崩溃,但是模板中每个 {{is_favorite}}
的值是 nothing (空字符串).这是有道理的,因为数据库中还没有任何东西,但是现在呢?我不知道这是否是正确的Django查询.
我已经成功运行了 makemigrations
,然后使用此新的m2m列(并且没有 FavoriteSongs
模型)进行了 migration
,但是我什么也没看到在数据库中代表is-favorite的值. billyjoel_album
中没有多余的列,也没有类似于 billyjoel_favoritealbum
django.db导入模型中的 从django.contrib.auth.models导入用户从进口时间开始def get_upload_file_name(实例,文件名):返回"uploaded_files/%s_%s"%(str(time()).replace(.","_"),文件名)类Album(models.Model):职务=(("J",主要工作室发行"),(我",非主要官方版本"),("U",非官方"),)标题= models.CharField(max_length = 70)description = models.TextField(max_length = 500,default =",null = True,blank = True)pub_date = models.DateField('发布日期')官僚主义= models.CharField(max_length = 1,choices = OFFICIALITY)is_concert = models.BooleanField(默认= False)main_info_url = models.URLField(blank = False)thumbnail = models.FileField(upload_to = get_upload_file_name,blank = True,null = True)#virtual字段可跳过穿透表.歌曲=模型.ManyToManyField("Song",通过="AlbumSong")favoritedby_users = models.ManyToManyField(用户)def __str __():返回self.title类Meta:#默认顺序为发布日期(升序).订购= ['pub_date']Song类(models.Model):名称= models.CharField(max_length = 100)description = models.TextField(max_length = 500,default =",null = True,blank = True)length_seconds = models.IntegerField()lyrics_url = models.URLField(default =",blank = True,null = True)专辑=模型.ManyToManyField(专辑",通过="AlbumSong")favoritedby_users = models.ManyToManyField(用户)def get_length_desc_from_seconds(self):if(self.length_seconds == -1):返回"-1"m,s = divmod(self.length_seconds,60)h,m = divmod(m,60)如果(h):返回%d:%02d:%02d"%(h,m,s)别的:返回%d:%02d"%(m,s)def __str __():返回self.name类AlbumSong(models.Model):歌曲=模型.ForeignKey(歌曲)专辑=模型.ForeignKey(专辑)sequence_num = models.IntegerField()类Meta:unique_together =('相册','sequence_num',)unique_together =('专辑','歌曲',)def __str __():返回str(self.album)+:" + str(self.sequence_num)+:" + str(self.song)
来自.models的 导入专辑,歌曲,专辑歌曲从datetime导入datetime,timedelta从django.core.context_processors导入csrf从django.shortcuts导入渲染,render_to_response从django.views.generic导入DetailView,ListView从枚举导入枚举def get_str_with_appended(string,between_if_str_non_empty,new_value):if(len(string)== 0):返回new_value别的:返回字符串+ between_if_str_non_empty + new_valuePrependQuestionMark(Enum)类:是,否=范围(2)def get_url_param_string_from_params(prepend_question_mark = PrependQuestionMark.YES,** kwargs_all_params):param_list ="输入iter(kwargs_all_params)中的密钥:值= kwargs_all_params [key]if(值不为None):param_list = get_str_with_appended(param_list,'&',str(key)+"=" + str(value))if(len(param_list)== 0):返回param_list;if(prepend_question_mark == PrependQuestionMark.YES):返回 "?"+ param_list别的:返回param_list类AlbumList(ListView):模特=专辑context_object_name =相册"#源自irc/#dango/tbaxter ... STARTdef dispatch(self,request,* args,** kwargs):#默认为ascself.sort_order = request.GET.get("sort_order",无)self.sort_item = request.GET.get("sort_item",无)self.csrf_token = csrf(request)["csrf_token"]self.logged_in_user = request.user#self.csrf_token = request.GET.get("csrf_token",无)返回super(AlbumList,self).dispatch(request,* args,** kwargs)def get_queryset(self):两者中的#Item均为零#应该是静态全局asc_desc_list = ["asc","dsc"]sort_by_types = ["pub_date","title"]if(self.sort_order为None且self.sort_item为None):#使用默认顺序返回super(AlbumList,self).get_queryset()#自定义订购sort_order = self.sort_ordersort_item = self.sort_item如果(sort_order为None或sort_order不在asc_desc_list中):sort_order = asc_desc_list [0]如果(sort_item为None或sort_item不在sort_by_types中):sort_item = sort_by_types [0]order_minus =",如果sort_order =="asc",否则为-"返回super(AlbumList,self).get_queryset().order_by(order_minus + sort_item).extra(select = {"is_favorite":"favorited_by_users__id =" + str(self.logged_in_user.id)})def get_context_data(self,** kwargs):context =超级(AlbumList,self).get_context_data(** kwargs)context ["sort_order"] = self.sort_ordercontext ["sort_item"] = self.sort_itemcontext ["url_params"] = get_url_param_string_from_params(sort_item = self.sort_item,sort_order = self.sort_order,csrf_token = self.csrf_token)返回上下文类AlbumDetail(DetailView):模特=专辑context_object_name =专辑"def dispatch(self,request,* args,** kwargs):#默认为ascself.sort_order = request.GET.get("sort_order",无)self.sort_item = request.GET.get("sort_item",无)self.csrf_token = csrf(request)["csrf_token"]返回super(AlbumDetail,self).dispatch(request,* args,** kwargs)def get_context_data(self,** kwargs):#首先调用基本实现以获取上下文context = super(AlbumDetail,self).get_context_data(** kwargs)#添加所需的额外信息:album_songs,排序方式为#sequence_num#select_related是一次在数据库中查询所有歌曲#在视图中,以防止模板对数据库进行针刺#在每个for循环迭代中.对于大型数据集,这是至关重要的.context ['album_songs'] = kwargs ["object"].albumsong_set.order_by('sequence_num').select_related("song")context ["url_params"] = get_url_param_string_from_params(sort_item = self.sort_item,sort_order = self.sort_order,csrf_token = self.csrf_token)返回上下文
{%扩展了"base.html"%}{%load bj_filters%}{%标题%} Billy Joel专辑浏览器{%endblock%}{%block sidebar%}< UL>< LI>< a href ="{%url'album_list'%} {{url_params}}">所有相册</A></LI>< LI>< a href ="/admin/"> Admin</A></LI></UL>{%endblock%}{%封锁内容%}< TABLE ALIGN ="center" WIDTH ="100%" BORDER ="1" CELLSPACING ="0" CELLPADDING ="4" BGCOLOR =#EEEEEE">< TR ALIGN ="center" VALIGN ="middle">{%如果user.is_authenticated%}< TD>我的个人资料(< a href ="{%url'accounts_logout'%}">注销</A>)</TD>{% 别的 %}< TD>< a href ="{%url'accounts_login'%}">登录</A>查看您的收藏夹</TD>{% 万一 %}</TR></TABLE>< H1>比利·乔尔专辑浏览器</H1><!-< P> url_params = {{url_params}}</P>->{%,如果albums.count>0%}< P>官方:< IMG SRC ="/static/images/major.jpg" height ="20"/> =主要工作室发行,< IMG SRC ="/static/images/minor.jpg"高度="20"/> =正式发布,< IMG SRC ="/static/images/unofficial.jpg" height ="20"/> = Unofficial</P>< TABLE ALIGN ="center" WIDTH ="100%" BORDER ="1" CELLSPACING ="0" CELLPADDING ="4" BGCOLOR =#EEEEEE">< TR ALIGN ="center" VALIGN ="middle">< TD>< B>< U>< a href ="{%url'album_list'%}?sort_item = title& sort_order ={%如果sort_item =='pub_date'%} asc {%else%}{{sort_order | multival_to_str:'asc,dsc-> dsc,asc,dsc'}}{% 万一 %}& csrf_token = {{csrf_token}}>标题</A</U></B>< BR>< I>< FONT SIZE ="-1>(单击标题以查看其歌曲列表).< TD>< B>< U>< a href ="{%url'album_list'%}?sort_item = pub_date& sort_order ={%if sort_item =='title'%} asc {%else%}{{sort_order | multival_to_str:'asc,dsc-> dsc,asc,dsc'}}{% 万一 %}& csrf_token = {{csrf_token}}>已发布</A>/U</B</TD>< TD>官方</TD>< TD>音乐会</TD>< TD> Wiki</TD>< TD>最喜欢的</TD>{%代表专辑中专辑的%}< ;!-专辑"后没有冒号-></TR>< TR>< TD VALIGN ="top">{%if album.thumbnail%}< img src ="/static/{{album.thumbnail}}" width ="25"/>{% 别的 %}< img src ="/static/images/white_block.jpg" width ="25"/>{% 万一 %}& nbsp;< a href ="/albums/get/{{album.id}} {{url_params}}"> {{album.title}}</a>{%如果为album.description%}< BR/>< FONT SIZE =-1">< I> {{album.description | truncatewords:10}}</I</FONT>{% 万一 %}< TD> {{album.pub_date | date:"m/y"}}</TD>< TD>< IMG SRC ="/static/images/{{album.officiality | multival_to_str:" J,I,U->主要,次要,非官方,残破的图像}}.jpg" height ="20"/></TD>< TD> {{album.is_concert | yesno:是,否"}}</TD>< TD>< A HREF ="{{album.main_info_url}}"> Wiki</A</TD>< TD< I> n/a {{is_favorite}}</I</TD>{%endfor%}</TR></TABLE>{% 别的 %}< P< I>数据库中没有相册.{% 万一 %}{%endblock%}
我不理解您的示例查询,因为您没有说实际调用的是什么模型,或者是什么 self.logged_in_user
.但是,您不能像这样使用 extra
:您试图在其中放置Django查询语法,并使用双下划线名称来遍历关系,但是 extra
我不会在一个查询中尝试执行此操作.取而代之的是,我将进行两个查询,一个查询获取所有专辑,另一个查询获取用户的收藏夹. get_queryset
只会返回完整的专辑列表,然后您可以使用 get_context_data
收藏夹= self.logged_in_user.album_set.all().values_list('id',flat = True)context ['favorites'] = set(favorites)
{%代表专辑中的专辑%}...< td> {%,如果相簿收藏夹中的album.id为%}是{%else%}否{%endif%}</td>{%endfor%}
UPDATE: Just found out that the ManyToManyField is causing the admin interface to crash, when a specific album is selected. I commented them out, commented out all references to it, reran makemigrations
and migrate
, and now the admin interface works again...which leaves me even farther away from making this "favorite" column work :( See this followup: Why is Django ManyToManyField causing admin interface to crash? Why is no through table being created?
Background: My goal is to make the "Favorite?" column in this webpage reflect the favorite albums of the currently-logged-in user, where each is either "no" or "yes", and is a clickable link to toggle the choice. (When not logged in, they will all be grey "n/a"-s.)
Therefore, for each album, there may be exactly zero or one "has favorited" entry per user. If the entry exists, they've favorited it. If it doesn't exist, they didn't.
Here is my Album
model, with the favorited_by_users
many-to-many column (full models.py
at the bottom):
class Album(models.Model):
('J', 'Major studio release'),
('I', 'Non-major official release'),
('U', 'Unofficial'),
title = models.CharField(max_length=70)
description = models.TextField(max_length=500, default="", null=True, blank=True)
pub_date = models.DateField('release date')
officiality = models.CharField(max_length=1, choices=OFFICIALITY)
is_concert = models.BooleanField(default=False)
main_info_url = models.URLField(blank=False)
thumbnail = models.FileField(upload_to=get_upload_file_name, blank=True, null=True)
#virtual field to skip over the through table.
songs = models.ManyToManyField("Song", through="AlbumSong")
favorited_by_users = models.ManyToManyField(User)
def __str__(self):
return self.title
class Meta:
#Default ordering is by release date, ascending.
ordering = ['pub_date']
I originally had this FavoriteAlbum
model, but since it has no extra information beyond the foreign keys, it was recommended that I eliminate it in favor of the above many-to-many column.
class FavoriteSongs(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User)
song = models.ForeignKey(Song)
class Meta:
unique_together = ('user', 'song',)
def __str__(self):
return "user=" + str(self.user) + ", song=" + str(self.song)
What I need to do is a "left join" between album and user, where all albums are selected, and any favorites by the currently-logged-in user are joined to it (None
if they haven't favorited it). I don't know what to do.
I've also been told about the extra()
function to do this join. The currently-working query in the view's get_queryset()
return super(AlbumList, self).get_queryset().order_by("pub_date")
(Full views.py
below.) My current guess is this:
return super(AlbumList, self).get_queryset().order_by("pub_date").extra(select={"is_favorite": "favorited_by_users__id = " + str(request.user.id) })
But, while this doesn't crash, the value of each {{ is_favorite }}
in the template is nothing (the empty string). This makes sense since there's nothing in the database yet, but what now? I have no idea if this is the correct Django query.
I want to add an item in the database to test this, with a manual SQL statement in postgres (not via a Django command yet), but how and where do I do this?
I've successfully run makemigrations
and then migrate
with this new m2m column (and without the FavoriteSongs
model), but I see nothing in the database that represents the is-favorite value. There's no extra column in billyjoel_album
, and no through table akin to billyjoel_favoritealbum
. So where/how is this data stored in the database?
(Any other advice regarding this extra "favorite" column would be appreciated as well!)
from django.db import models
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from time import time
def get_upload_file_name(instance, filename):
return "uploaded_files/%s_%s" % (str(time()).replace(".", "_"), filename)
class Album(models.Model):
('J', 'Major studio release'),
('I', 'Non-major official release'),
('U', 'Unofficial'),
title = models.CharField(max_length=70)
description = models.TextField(max_length=500, default="", null=True, blank=True)
pub_date = models.DateField('release date')
officiality = models.CharField(max_length=1, choices=OFFICIALITY)
is_concert = models.BooleanField(default=False)
main_info_url = models.URLField(blank=False)
thumbnail = models.FileField(upload_to=get_upload_file_name, blank=True, null=True)
#virtual field to skip over the through table.
songs = models.ManyToManyField("Song", through="AlbumSong")
favorited_by_users = models.ManyToManyField(User)
def __str__(self):
return self.title
class Meta:
#Default ordering is by release date, ascending.
ordering = ['pub_date']
class Song(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
description = models.TextField(max_length=500, default="", null=True, blank=True)
length_seconds = models.IntegerField()
lyrics_url = models.URLField(default="", blank=True, null=True)
albums = models.ManyToManyField("Album", through="AlbumSong")
favorited_by_users = models.ManyToManyField(User)
def get_length_desc_from_seconds(self):
if(self.length_seconds == -1):
return "-1"
m, s = divmod(self.length_seconds, 60)
h, m = divmod(m, 60)
return "%d:%02d:%02d" % (h, m, s)
return "%d:%02d" % (m, s)
def __str__(self):
return self.name
class AlbumSong(models.Model):
song = models.ForeignKey(Song)
album = models.ForeignKey(Album)
sequence_num = models.IntegerField()
class Meta:
unique_together = ('album', 'sequence_num',)
unique_together = ('album', 'song',)
def __str__(self):
return str(self.album) + ": " + str(self.sequence_num) + ": " + str(self.song)
from .models import Album, Song, AlbumSong
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from django.core.context_processors import csrf
from django.shortcuts import render, render_to_response
from django.views.generic import DetailView, ListView
from enum import Enum
def get_str_with_appended(string, between_if_str_non_empty, new_value):
if(len(string) == 0):
return new_value
return string + between_if_str_non_empty + new_value
class PrependQuestionMark(Enum):
YES, NO = range(2)
def get_url_param_string_from_params(prepend_question_mark=PrependQuestionMark.YES, **kwargs_all_params):
param_list = ""
for key in iter(kwargs_all_params):
value = kwargs_all_params[key]
if(value is not None):
param_list = get_str_with_appended(param_list, '&', str(key) + "=" + str(value))
if(len(param_list) == 0):
return param_list;
if(prepend_question_mark == PrependQuestionMark.YES):
return "?" + param_list
return param_list
class AlbumList(ListView):
model = Album
context_object_name = "albums"
#Derived from irc/#dango/tbaxter...START
def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
#default to asc
self.sort_order = request.GET.get("sort_order", None)
self.sort_item = request.GET.get("sort_item", None)
self.csrf_token = csrf(request)["csrf_token"]
self.logged_in_user = request.user
#self.csrf_token = request.GET.get("csrf_token", None)
return super(AlbumList, self).dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)
def get_queryset(self):
#Item zero in both is the default
#should be static global
asc_desc_list = ["asc", "dsc"]
sort_by_types = ["pub_date", "title"]
if(self.sort_order is None and self.sort_item is None):
#Use default ordering
return super(AlbumList, self).get_queryset()
#Custom ordering requested
sort_order = self.sort_order
sort_item = self.sort_item
if(sort_order is None or
sort_order not in asc_desc_list):
sort_order = asc_desc_list[0]
if(sort_item is None or
sort_item not in sort_by_types):
sort_item = sort_by_types[0]
order_minus = "" if sort_order == "asc" else "-"
return super(AlbumList, self).get_queryset().order_by(order_minus + sort_item).extra(select={"is_favorite": "favorited_by_users__id = " + str(self.logged_in_user.id) })
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
context = super(AlbumList, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
context["sort_order"] = self.sort_order
context["sort_item"] = self.sort_item
context["url_params"] = get_url_param_string_from_params(
return context
class AlbumDetail(DetailView):
model = Album
context_object_name = "album"
def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
#default to asc
self.sort_order = request.GET.get("sort_order", None)
self.sort_item = request.GET.get("sort_item", None)
self.csrf_token = csrf(request)["csrf_token"]
return super(AlbumDetail, self).dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
#Call the base implementation first to get a context
context = super(AlbumDetail, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
#Add in the required extra info: album_songs, ordered by
#select_related is to query the database for all songs at once, here
#in the view, to prevent the template from pin-pricking the database
#in each for loop iteration. For large datasets, this is critical.
context['album_songs'] = kwargs["object"].albumsong_set.order_by('sequence_num').select_related("song")
context["url_params"] = get_url_param_string_from_params(
return context
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% load bj_filters %}
{% block title %}Billy Joel Album Browser{% endblock %}
{% block sidebar %}
<LI><a href="{% url 'album_list' %}{{ url_params }}">All albums</A></LI>
<LI><a href="/admin/">Admin</A></LI>
{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
{% if user.is_authenticated %}
<TD>My profile (<a href="{% url 'accounts_logout' %}">Logout</A>)</TD>
{% else %}
<TD><a href="{% url 'accounts_login' %}">Login</A> to view your favorites</TD>
{% endif %}
<H1>Billy Joel Album Browser</H1>
<P>url_params={{ url_params }}</P>
{% if albums.count > 0 %}
<P>Officiality: <IMG SRC="/static/images/major.jpg" height="20"/>=Major studio release, <IMG SRC="/static/images/minor.jpg" height="20"/>=Official release, <IMG SRC="/static/images/unofficial.jpg" height="20"/>=Unofficial</P>
<TD><B><U><a href="{% url 'album_list' %}?sort_item=title&sort_order=
{% if sort_item == 'pub_date' %}asc{% else %}
{{ sort_order|multival_to_str:'asc,dsc->dsc,asc,dsc' }}
{% endif %}
&csrf_token={{ csrf_token }}">Title</A></U></B><BR><I><FONT SIZE="-1">(click a title to view its song list)</FONT></I></TD>
<TD><B><U><a href="{% url 'album_list' %}?sort_item=pub_date&sort_order=
{% if sort_item == 'title' %}asc{% else %}
{{ sort_order|multival_to_str:'asc,dsc->dsc,asc,dsc' }}
{% endif %}
&csrf_token={{ csrf_token }}">Released</A></U></B></TD>
{% for album in albums %} <!-- No colon after "albums" -->
<TD VALIGN="top">
{% if album.thumbnail %}
<img src="/static/{{ album.thumbnail }}" width="25"/>
{% else %}
<img src="/static/images/white_block.jpg" width="25"/>
{% endif %}
<a href="/albums/get/{{ album.id }}{{ url_params }}">{{ album.title }}</a>
{% if album.description %}
<BR/><FONT SIZE="-1"><I>{{ album.description|truncatewords:10 }}</I></FONT>
{% endif %}
<TD>{{ album.pub_date|date:"m/y" }}</TD>
<TD><IMG SRC="/static/images/{{ album.officiality|multival_to_str:"J,I,U->major,minor,unofficial,broken_image"}}.jpg" height="20"/></TD>
<TD>{{ album.is_concert|yesno:"Yes,No" }}</TD>
<TD><A HREF="{{ album.main_info_url }}">Wiki</A></TD>
<TD><I>n/a {{ is_favorite }}</I></TD>
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<P><I>There are no albums in the database.</I></P>
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
The many-to-many field is represented in the database in exactly the same way as your original FavouriteSongs model - as a linking table with ForeignKeys to both Song and User. The only benefit of getting rid of FavouriteSongs is that you're now using an automatically-defined through table, rather than a manual one.
I don't understand your example query, since you don't say what model you are actually calling it on, or what self.logged_in_user
is. However, you can't use extra
like this: you are trying to put Django query syntax there, complete with double-underscore names to traverse relationships, but extra
is passed directly to the SQL, and that doesn't know anything about that syntax.
I would not attempt to do this in one query. Instead I would do two queries, one to get all the albums and one to get the user's favourites. get_queryset
would just return the full album list, and then you can use get_context_data
to get an additional set of objects representing the IDs of the favourites:
favorites = self.logged_in_user.album_set.all().values_list('id', flat=True)
context['favorites'] = set(favorites)
The values_list just gets the IDs of the albums only, since that's all we need, and we then put them into a set to make lookups quicker.
Now, in the template, you can just do:
{% for album in albums %}
<td>{% if album.id in favorites %}Yes{% else %}No{% endif %}</td>
{% endfor %}
这篇关于Django ManyToManyField在数据库中的位置/位置如何?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!