


I need to put together a method that would allow me to quantify how many fields in a row have been filled by a user.


User    Name    Age    Country    Gender    Height
1       Mike    34     USA        Male      6
2       Bill    23     CA                   5
3       Jane    31     USA


In the above example, I would like to query the database and return a value that would reflect the degree of completion of the user's record. Such as:

User 1 = 100% complete
User 2 = 80% complete
User 3 = 60% complete

我不知道这是否需要通过SQL子句完成,或者如果通过PHP SQL函数可以查询DB并计算完成度。

I wonder if this needs to be done via SQL clauses or if via PHP SQL functions one could query the DB and calculate the degree of completion.

任何建议如何做到这一点?我使用PHP 5(codeigniter)和SQL 5.0.77,但任何路线图将非常感谢。

Any suggestions how to do this? I am using PHP 5 (codeigniter) and SQL 5.0.77, but any roadmap would be greatly appreciated.


$result = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `MyTable`');
while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)){
    $empty_count = 0;
    $count = count($row);
    for($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++)
        if($row[$i] === '' || $row[$i] === 'NULL')
    echo 'User '.$row[0].' = '.((int)(100*(1-$empty_count/($count-1)))).'% complete';


07-17 18:04