我有我经历的ClickOnce部署WinForm的解决方案。还有就是主项目,然后一个项目叫做 psWinForms
。该项目有一个参考 Microsoft.ExceptionMessageBox
I have a winform solution that I deploy through clickOnce. There is the Main Project and then a Project called psWinForms
. That project has a Reference to Microsoft.ExceptionMessageBox
that I use in my custom error reporting.
我有 psWinForms
I have psWinForms
as a reference in my Main Project with Copy Local = True
我有 Microsoft.ExceptionMessageBox
在 psWinForms
我发布状态= prerequisite(自动)
I have tried various combinations to no avail.
I looked here on the Test System on the DLL is there.
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\SDK\Assemblies
我使用ExceptionMessageBox从SQL版本9.0.242.0,如果有差别和用户只需SQL 2005例preSS(9.0.1399.0)安装。
I am using the ExceptionMessageBox from SQL version if that makes a difference and the users only have SQL 2005 Express(9.0.1399.0) installed.
So I am very confused as to why my app hangs when I try to throw an error using this....
您不能复制和部署自己的,它必须被安装为SQL客户端组件的一部分装配。有不同的客户端组件SQL 2008和SQL 2005,您的应用程序,以引用正确的。所以,你必须运送两个不同的应用,一是编译SQL 2005,一个用于SQL 2008和您的用户必须安装适当的。从部署一个异常消息框应用程序:
You can't copy and deploy the assembly yourself, it has to be installed as part of the SQL client components. There are different client components for SQL 2008 and SQL 2005, your application has to reference the proper one. So you'll have to ship two different applications, one compiled for SQL 2005 and one for SQL 2008 and your users will have to install the proper one. From Deploying an Exception Message Box Application:
异常消息框安装 由Microsoft SQL Server,是 支持在您的自定义应用 Windows应用程序,以改善 异常处理。由于 异常消息框是由安装 SQL Server的所有版本的SQL除 Server精简3.5 SP1,你可以用它 与任何其他配置 任何一台计算机上的SQL Server 客户端组件,包括了SDK, 已经安装完毕。
虽然在技术上是可能可以部署大会,并把它添加到GAC自己是一个糟糕的做法,因为你的DLL不会Service Pack和累积式升级补丁的正常链的一部分。
While technically is probably possible to deploy the assembly and add it to the GAC yourself is a bad practice as your dll will not be part of the normal chain of service packs and cummulative upgrade patches.
Also you better clear up with an MS representative whether deploying this dll standalone is OK with the SQL client usage license or not. Every component that can be redistributed under the license has an install msi available for developers to distribute. If this dll does not is a strong indicator that is not allowed to be redistributed by 3rd parties (you).
There is actually a distributable msi (SQLServer2005_EMB.msi, SQLServer2005_EMB_x64.msi) for the ExceptionMessageBox component:
在SQL Server 2005 SP1及更高版本 版本中,异常消息框 还提供了一个可再发行 安装程序,可 分发和部署您 应用程序......可再发行 异常安装程序 消息框是可在网上 的<一部分href="http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=df0ba5aa-b4bd-4705-aa0a-b477ba72a9cb&DisplayLang=en"相对=nofollow>功能包的SQL Server 2005 SP1的。