是否有好的 JavaScript 分析器?我知道 firebug 对分析代码有一些支持.但我想确定更长期的统计数据.假设您正在构建大量 javascript 代码,并且想要确定代码中的实际瓶颈是什么.起初,我想查看每个 javascript 函数和执行时间的配置文件统计信息.接下来是包含 DOM 函数.这与诸如渲染树上的操作之类的减慢操作相结合将是完美的.我认为如果性能在我的代码、DOM 准备或渲染树/视觉更新中被扼杀,我认为这会给人一个很好的印象.
Is there a good profiler for javascript? I know that firebug has some support for profiling code. But I want to determine stats on a longer scale.Imagine you are building a lot of javascript code and you want to determine what are actually the bottlenecks in the code. At first I want to see profile stats of every javascript function and execution time. Next would be including DOM functions. This combined with actions that slows things down like operation on the rendering tree would be perfect. I think this would give a good impression if the performance is killed in my code, in DOM preparation or in updates to the rendering tree/visual.
有什么接近我想要的东西吗?或者什么是实现我所描述的大部分内容的最佳工具?它会是一个自编译的浏览器加上通过配置文件功能增强的 javascript 引擎吗?
Is there something close to what I want? Or what would be the best tool to achieve the most of what I've described? Would it be a self compiled browser plus javascript engine enhanced by profile functionality?
Firebug 提供非常详细的分析报告.它会告诉你在一个巨大的(详细的)表中每个方法调用需要多长时间.
Firebug provides a highly detailed profiling report. It will tell you how long each method invocation takes in a giant (detailed) table.
//also see
您需要调用 console.profileEnd ()
来结束您的配置文件块.在此处查看控制台 API:http://getfirebug.com/wiki/index.php/Console_API
Blackbird()还有一个更简单的分析器(可以从) also has a simpler profiler (can be downloaded from here)
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