我的Firefox 3.0.4根本不显示不存在的图像,或者显示图像ALT为纯文本(如果可用)。
My Firefox 3.0.4 does not display non-existing images at all, or it displays the image alt as plain text (if available).
This way I would have no idea that there is supposed to be an image there.
有谁知道,如果有一种方法,使它象IE / Opera一起使用? (即显示一个框,即使在图像文件不存在) - ?插件或任何
Does anyone know if there is a way to make it work like IE/Opera? (ie. display a box even if the image file doesn't exists) - plugin or anything?
Test image:
我的扩展,的,现在包含在其配置的GUI一个COM prehensive部分(高级/开发商调整)来配置破碎/加载图像占位符。
My extension, FeatureFix, now contains a comprehensive section in its configuration GUI ("advanced/developer tweaks") to configure broken/loading image placeholders.
这篇关于Firefox浏览器:如何显示不存在的图像的方式IE /歌剧呢?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!