How can I write a semi transparent text on an Image (Jpg,Bmp), or a transparent text (color as same background Image) but with a shadow, something I want to do to watermark the images.
我想使用Delphi win32完成。
I want to accomplish that using Delphi win32.
最简单的方法是使用GDI +例程。它们被封装用于delphi,可从下载。有很多例子应该可以用作一个例子。
I presume what you're trying to accomplish is a little more complicated than simply writing text with a transparent background; i.e. you are trying to get some form of alpha-blended text written on the image.
The simplest method would be to make use of the GDI+ routines. They are encapsulated for delphi and available for download from http://www.progdigy.com/. There are many examples there which should be usable as an example.