

如何在另一个组件中访问一个组件的状态?下面是我的代码,我试图在组件 b 中访问组件 a 的状态。

How do I access one component's state in another component? Below is my code and I'm trying to access the state of component a in component b.

var a = React.createClass({
    getInitialState: function () {
        return {
            first: "1"

    render: function () {
        // Render HTML here.

var b = React.createClass({
    getInitialState: function () {
        return {
            second: a.state.first

    render: function () {
        // Render HTML here.


But I'm not getting anything.


即使您尝试这样做,也不是正确的方法来访问。最好有一个父组件,其子组件 a b ParentComponent 将保持状态并将其作为道具传递给子项。

Even if you try doing this way, it is not correct method to access the state. Better to have a parent component whose children are a and b. The ParentComponent will maintain the state and pass it as props to the children.


var ParentComponent = React.createClass({
  getInitialState : function() {
    return {
      first: 1,

  changeFirst: function(newValue) {
      first: newValue,

  render: function() {
   return (
     <a first={this.state.first} changeFirst={this.changeFirst.bind(this)} />
     <b first={this.state.first} changeFirst={this.changeFirst.bind(this)} />

现在,在您的孩子组件 a b 中,首先访问 变量使用 this.props.first 。当您希望首先更改的值时调用 this.props.changeFirst() ParentComponent的函数。这将改变该值,因此将反映在两个孩子身上 a b

Now in your child compoenents a and b, access first variable using this.props.first. When you wish to change the value of first call this.props.changeFirst() function of the ParentComponent. This will change the value and will be thus reflected in both the children a and b.

我在这里编写组件 a b 将相似:

I am writing component a here, b will be similar:

var a = React.createClass({

  render: function() {
    var first = this.props.first; // access first anywhere using this.props.first in child
    // render JSX


06-25 15:24