本文介绍了在Windows中为python 3安装Swampy的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我是一名初学者python学习者,使用"Think Python"一书,其中必须安装模块名称Swampy.指令和下载所提供的链接具有 tar.gz 文件.我通过Google搜索此处.所有模块的设置工具都在python 3下. /使用模块?

I am a beginner python learner using The book 'Think Python' where I have to install module name Swampy. The link provided fro instruction and download has a tar.gz file. I found the python 3 version of the swampy with google search here. All setup tools for modules are under python 3. I am pretty lost, how do i install/use the module?



一种简单的方法是将内容解压缩到Python根目录中其自己的目录中.然后将Python指向文件 modulepaths.pth 中模块的位置(您可能需要在python安装的根目录中创建此文件.)您可以输入完整路径,也可以仅输入相对路径.我的modulepaths.pth看起来像这样,有一个相对路径和一个完整路径:

One easy method is by unpacking the contents into a directory of its own in the Python root directory. Then point Python to the location of the module in the file modulepaths.pth (You may need to create this file in the root directory of your python installation.)You can either put the full path or a just a relative path. My modulepaths.pth looks like this with one relative and one full path:


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09-05 11:12