first, I apologize for any spelling error. I am french.
I'd like your help for something that may have a simple fix, but I have not found anything specific to my case.
I have a site on Blogger platform and a domain registered at Godaddy for about two years. But nowadays, I'm unhappy there because of the many limitations of this platform. I have about 300 posts published and indexed in this blog.
好吧,我刚刚创建自己的静态网站(与许多HTML文件和一些CSS / JS),并买了一个Godaddy的Linux主机(豪华的cPanel)也。我创建父域的子域(这是指着博客)来测试这个新的静态网站。一切都工作正常,并准备去...
Well, I've just create myself a static website (with many HTML files and some CSS/JS) and bought a Linux Hosting (Deluxe with cPanel) on Godaddy also. I created a subdomain in the parent domain (which is pointed at the Blogger) to test this new static site. Everything's working fine and ready to go...
正如我所说,我已经收录300职位。我创建了所有这些博客文章中,我想要的方式,与友好URL和其他自定义新的HTML文件。为什么? Blogger的显示我的链接这样的:mywebsite.com/2010/06/post-name.html。我对这个新网站的目的是做这样的事情mywebsite.com/post-name.html。我在子域设置的路径,一切都多。
As I said, I have 300 posts already indexed. I created new HTML files for all these Blogger posts, the way I want, with friendly URL and other customizations. Why? Blogger show my links like this: "mywebsite.com/2010/06/post-name.html." My intention for this new site is to do something like "mywebsite.com/post-name.html". I've set up the paths and everything more in the subdomain.
我的问题是:我如何从重定向旧网站(博客)新交通不失谷歌排名和搭桥的时候进行了走访旧链接404 Not Found错误
My question is: How do I redirect the traffic from the old site (Blogger) to the new without losing Google Rank and "bypass" a 404 Not Found error when old links were visited?
我已经做了谷歌上搜索数,只发现教程介绍如何在博客迁移到Word preSS做到这一点。
I've done several searches on Google and only found tutorials that show how to do this in the migration Blogger to Wordpress.
I know I can't just delete this site on Blogger and (perhaps) something can be done in .htaccess file to solve it. I have to "close" Blogger for now and redirect visitors with a 301 Redirect to the new host to prevent Google punish me for duplicate content, right?
Googling, I found this code:
<b:if cond='data:blog.url == "http://example.com/2013/01/post-name.html"'>
<meta content='0;url=http://example/post-name.html' http-equiv='refresh'/>
But it was a Blogger-to-Wordpress tutorial.
The code above could be applied in my case? Or should I just create a redirect post by post within the .htaccess?
我AP preciate任何建议和帮助。
I appreciate any suggestion and help.
If you had your domain pointed at blogger until now, and will have it pointed at your new server in the future, then all future requests will reach your new server automatically. So all you will have to do is set up the rewriting of all "old" URLs to the new targets on your new server.
With a Redirect
directive as mentioned by you in comments, you should be able to achieve that. Using this technique, you will need to use a Redirect
for each old URL you want to redirect to a new one.
如果的所有的的旧网址遵循 /yyyy/mm/post-name.html
的模式,所有的新网址只是 /post-name.html
If all of your old URLs follow the pattern of /yyyy/mm/post-name.html
, and all of your new URLs are just /post-name.html
with the post names being still the same, you might want to use a RewriteRule
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^([0-9]{4})/([0-9]{2})/(.*)$ /$3 [R=301]
这将匹配上有四个数字(领先的斜线将在这一点被剥离的话),跟一个斜线开始的所有传入的请求,后面两个数字和另一个斜线,再经过只是东西这一点,将其重定向到任何东西。这将是自动与协议和服务器名称pfixed $ P $。和 [R = 301]
This will match on all incoming requests that start with four digits (the leading slash will have been stripped off at that point already), followed by a slash, followed by two digits and another slash, and then just "anything" after that, and will redirect it to that "anything". It will be prefixed with the protocol and server name automatically. And the [R=301]
flag will make this a redirect with 301 status code.
That way, you could catch all of those old post URLs with just one rule, and would not have to write a Redirect
statement for each one individually.
(If you need more information about how this works, please consult the mod_rewite documentation first.)