我应用了google开发人员文档中提到的确切步骤来创建示例Google地图项目,并且模拟器上的一切都很顺利,但是当我生成项目apk文件并在真实设备上启动它时,Samsung Galaxy S4 google map doesn 't显示它只显示空白背景,只有彩色的Google徽标出现在屏幕左下角!!
我为Google Map创建了新项目,我创建了新的项目。 jks文件的项目和创建存储和密钥传递和别名然后我提取SHA1从cmd java bin我去dev.google.com/console创建新项目,然后启用谷歌地图android API然后从Credentials创建API密钥粘贴此API我的项目中的google_maps_api.xml中的关键字已更新signedConfigs版本,其中包含.jks文件路径和别名以及两个密码。然后从Android Studio生成签名的APK,然后将app-release.apk转移到真实的设备上,然后安装它同样的问题谷歌地图不显示。
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Plz Help
I applied the exact steps as mentioned in the google developer doc to create an example google map project and everything went fine on the emulator, but when I generated the project apk file and launched it on real device Samsung Galaxy S4 google map doesn't show up it shows only a blank background with just colored Google logo appearing on the left lower screen corner !!
I created new project for google map I created new .jks file for the project and created store and key pass and alias then I extracted the SHA1 from cmd java bin I went to dev.google.com/console created new project then enabled google maps android API then created API key from Credentials pasted this API key in place in google_maps_api.xml in my project updated the signingConfigs release with the .jks file path and alias and two passwords. then generated signed APK from Android Studio then transferred the app-release.apk to real device then installed it same problem google map NOT showing.
Plz Help
why this happen ? this occurred because there different SHA1 in debug and release type.
I fix it by add the SHA1 of my used keystore(used to build release apk) to google console
here is all step to approach that
1- Get path of your keystore
when you generate signed APK
Build ----> Generate Signed APK..
keep in your mind the key store path
dont forget to make Build Type --- release
2- Extract SHA1 for used keystore , open your terminal use command below
keytool -list -v -keystore "/Users/NT/Desktop/generalkey.jks"
you will be asked for password for your keystore
change path to your keystore path keytool -list -v -keystore "keystore path"
from Certificate fingerprints: you will find SHA1
3- generate android key using this SHA1 and your package name
generate APK using keystore and enjoy your map