

  1. 使用Google日历设置频道。

  2. 创建Google日历事件。

  3. 获得一个推送通知,其中包含以下内容数据。

  4. X-Goog-Resource-Id,X-Goog-Resource-Uri,X-Goog-Channel-Id

  1. Set channel with google calendar.
  2. Create a google calendar event.
  3. got a push notification contains following data.
  4. X-Goog-Resource-Id,X-Goog-Resource-Uri,X-Goog-Channel-Id


Now i could not find how to get, which event data modified or some event has been created.


How can I find event list by push notification headers data (mentioned in line 4.)


头数据中没有更改的资源/事件列表。 Google只是通知您日历中发生了某些变化。

There is no changed resource/event list in header data. Google just lets you know that something has changed in your calendar.

要在每次Google Post请求后获取更改的资源,您需要使用 syncToken 列出Google日历中的事件并保存一个新的,作为响应显示为 nextSyncToken 。如果在请求中提供 syncToken 参数,则只会获得从 syncToken 到现在的更改。 Google将此过程称为增量同步

To get changed resources after every Google Post request, you need to list events of your calendar from google with syncToken and save the new one which will appear as nextSyncToken in response. If you provide syncToken parameter in your request, you will only get the changes from syncToken to now. Google calls this process incremental sync.

请阅读 syncToken nextSyncToken 参数:



07-17 01:36