我目前正在研究将二维数学公式放入网页的不同解决方案.我认为维基百科解决方案(从 LaTeX 源代码生成 png 图像)已经足够好了,直到我们在 web 浏览器中获得对 MathML 的支持.
我突然意识到可以创建一个 ):
Google Chart 可以做到(文档):
我将它与 Google Docs 一起使用,因为它还不支持数学.
I'm currently looking at different solutions getting 2 dimensional mathematical formulas into webpages. I think that the wikipedia solution (generating png images from LaTeX sourcecode) is good enough until we get support for MathML in webbrowsers.
I suddenly realized that it might be possible to create a Google Charts API equivalent for mathformulas. Has this already been done? Is it even possible due to the strange characters involved in LaTeX-code?
I would like to hit an url like latex2png.org/api/?eq="E = mc^2" and get the following response:
edit:Thanks for the answers sofar. However, I am already aware of several tools to generate png images from latex source code (both online and from my commandline), but what I was looking for was a simple way to get the image via an Http GET request. Perhaps such a service does not exist.
As @hughes (and others) pointed out, the previous Google Chart API has been deprecated.
The example I wrote still works as of Sept 2015, but a new one shall be used now (documentation):
Old answer
Google Chart can do it (Documentation):
I'm using this with Google Docs, because it doesn't support math yet.
这篇关于LaTeX 相当于 Google Chart API的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!