

为什么Google API Loader客户端地址位置多年来一直为工作国家/地区返回空字符串?对象在这里,但地址项为空.

Why Google API Loader Client address location is returning an empty string for a working country for years?.The object is here but address items are empty.


    if (google.loader.ClientLocation)  
google.loader.ClientLocation.address.city is ""  
google.loader.ClientLocation.address.region is ""  
google.loader.ClientLocation.address.country_code is ""  
google.loader.ClientLocation.latitude is OK  
google.loader.ClientLocation.longitude is OK  



Google.load.C​​lientLocation . load.C​​lientLocation 仅返回非常差的准确纬度和经度,并且没有更多的地址项​​.

Google.load.ClientLocation is no more supported by google team dev. The load.ClientLocation is only returning a very bad accurate latitude and longitude and no more addresses items.


This is very bad because now if user not accepting to return geolocation using HTML5, you need to use IPlocation to search a country and city.

我认为这是像Google这样的伟大公司的利己主义,许多网站需要以最少的身份提供识别城市,国家/地区和语言的内容,而 ClientLocation 功能则是一种更简单的方法.现在,您需要调用导航器询问用户,获取经纬度,然后使用对其他服务的外部呼叫来查看简单的国家/地区代码!这不是为了简化我的应用程序.国家或城市位置不像100 m的GPS位置.这是许多开发人员和用户的基本功能.干杯.

I think that is very egoist from a great company like Google, many websites need to serve contents identifiing cities, countries, languages as a minimal and ClientLocation function it was a easier way. Now to make this, you need to call navigators ask to users, get the lat,lon and get use an external call to another service to see a simple country code!. It's not to simplify my applications. Country or city locations in not like GPS position at 100 m It's a basic fonction of many developers an users. Cheers.



10-15 10:29