


Does https connection secure cookies and prevents XSS attacks. I have a simple blog that allows users to enter JavaScript code as an input. I want to allow Javascript input by the user while still preventing XSS attacks and cookie stealing. Does https help secure cookies. I only found few sites that talks about this and still a bit unclear.



HTTPS can prevent a man-in-the-middle attack, not XSS. Unfortunately the session cookie is not secure with this alone, one can request a page with HTTP and then the same cookie will be sent unprotected.


To ensure that the session cookie is sent only on HTTPS connections, you can use the function session_set_cookie_params() before starting the session:

session_set_cookie_params(0, '/', '', true, true);

请注意第一个 true ,这意味着该cookie仅发送到HTTPS页面.第二个 true 告诉浏览器,JavaScript一定不能访问会话cookie,这取决于浏览器是否正确完成.

Note the first true, it means that the cookie will be sent only to HTTPS pages. The second true tells the browser, that JavaScript must not access the session cookie, it depends on the browser if that is done correctly.


Another good way to make your site safer is, to use the session cookie only for maintaining the session, and using a second cookie to take care of the authentication. I can provide an example if you are interested.


07-17 03:31