I am trying to setup my website on a new environment, and I have a problem with the membership provider.
我可以叫 Membership.ValidateUser
I can call Membership.ValidateUser
, which returns true and false, as it should. That is perfect.
不过,在我的新环境中,cookie不会置1。我可以在本地主机上,我们的生产服务器看到,它设置了一个名为 CommunityServer
However, on my new environment, the cookie is never set. I can see on localhost and our production server, that it sets a cookie called CommunityServer
, but not on our new environment.
的Web.config code
<authentication mode="Forms">
<!-- development -->
<forms name=".CommunityServer" protection="All" timeout="60000" loginUrl="~/user/login" slidingExpiration="true"/>
<!-- deployment -->
<!--<forms name=".CommunityServer" domain="domain.com" protection="All" timeout="60000" loginUrl="~/user1.aspx" slidingExpiration="true" />-->
<allow users="?"/>
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(UsernameLogin)) {
ModelState.AddModelError("UsernameLogin", Strings.Error_NoLoginUsernameEntered);
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(PasswordLogin)) {
ModelState.AddModelError("PasswordLogin", Strings.Error_NoLoginPasswordEntered);
if (!Membership.ValidateUser(UsernameLogin, PasswordLogin)) {
ModelState.AddModelError("UsernameLogin", Strings.Error_LoginFailed);
if (!ModelState.IsValid) {
return View(new UserLoginModel() { Title = String.Format(Strings.Site_Title, Strings.UserLogin_Title) });
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(UsernameLogin, true);
// we know this code is run and I am being redirected to the return url
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ReturnUrl)) {
return Redirect(ReturnUrl);
为什么我们的Cookie是从来没有设置提示的任何想法?这是一个IIS 8服务器。
Any ideas of hints about why our cookie is never set? It is an IIS 8 server.
Add the domain="domain.com"
on the parametre of authentication, to say to the cookie to be valid to the full domain, and to the correct domain, or else there is the possibility to not been able to be set.
<authentication mode="Forms">
<!-- development -->
<forms name=".CommunityServer" domain="domain.com" protection="All" timeout="60000" loginUrl="~/user/login" slidingExpiration="true"/>