C ++匿名结构

本文介绍了C ++匿名结构的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I use the following union to simplify byte, nibble and bit operations:

union Byte
  struct {
    unsigned int bit_0: 1;
    unsigned int bit_1: 1;
    unsigned int bit_2: 1;
    unsigned int bit_3: 1;
    unsigned int bit_4: 1;
    unsigned int bit_5: 1;
    unsigned int bit_6: 1;
    unsigned int bit_7: 1;

  struct {
    unsigned int nibble_0: 4;
    unsigned int nibble_1: 4;

  unsigned char byte;


It works nice, but it also generates this warning:

好的,很高兴知道.但是...如何从我的g ++输出中得到这个警告?如果没有这个问题,是否有可能写这样的联合体?

Ok, nice to know. But... how to get this warning out of my g++ output? Is there a possibility to write something like this union without this issue?


gcc编译器选项 -fms-extensions 将允许非标准的匿名结构,而不会发出警告.

The gcc compiler option -fms-extensions will allow non-standard anonymous structs without warning.


(That enables what it considers "Microsoft extensions")

使用此约定,您还可以在有效的C ++ 中实现相同的效果.

You can also achieve the same effect in valid C++ using this convention.

union Byte
  struct bits_type {
    unsigned int _0: 1;
    unsigned int _1: 1;
    unsigned int _2: 1;
    unsigned int _3: 1;
    unsigned int _4: 1;
    unsigned int _5: 1;
    unsigned int _6: 1;
    unsigned int _7: 1;
  } bit;
  struct nibbles_type {
    unsigned int _0: 4;
    unsigned int _1: 4;
  } nibble;
  unsigned char byte;


With this, your non-standard byte.nibble_0 becomes the legal byte.nibble._0

这篇关于C ++匿名结构的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-19 15:32