


Currently I am using this in my web.config:

<sessionState mode="InProc" cookieless="UseCookies" timeout="60" />


My question is what is the difference between UseCookies and false in cookieless attribute? It is confusing for me.


从, http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/ms972429.aspx (2000年,用.NET 1.0编写)

From, http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms972429.aspx (2000, written in .NET 1.0)

现在,来自: http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh- us/library/aa479315.aspx (2005年,用.NET 2.0编写)

Now, from: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa479315.aspx (2005, written in .NET 2.0)

  1. "UseCookies":顾名思义,无cookie功能将永远不会使用.
  2. "UseUri":将始终使用无cookie功能.
  3. "UseDeviceProfile":根据使用浏览器的请求,可能会也可能不会使用无cookie功能.如果ASP.NET识别 表示浏览器不支持cookie,然后是无cookie功能 将会被使用.从技术上讲,这两个布尔变量 Request.Browser.Cookies和Request.Browser.SupportsRedirectWithCookie ASP.NET都必须同时为真,以假定Cookie受以下组件支持 浏览器.
  4. 自动检测":在此设置中,ASP.NET尝试检测浏览器是否支持cookie.算法有点 复杂,我将用伪代码对其进行布局. (算法为准 更改未来的版本).
  1. "UseCookies": As this name implies, the cookieless feature will never be used.
  2. "UseUri": The cookieless feature will always be used.
  3. "UseDeviceProfile": Depending on the browser making the request, the cookieless feature may or may not be used. If ASP.NET recognizes that the browser does not support cookies, then the cookieless feature will be used. Technically speaking, the two Boolean variables Request.Browser.Cookies and Request.Browser.SupportsRedirectWithCookie must both be true for ASP.NET to assume that cookies are supported by the browser.
  4. "AutoDetect": In this setting, ASP.NET attempts to detect whether the browser supports cookies or not. The algorithm is a little complex, and I'll lay it out in pseudo code. (The algorithm is subject to change in future builds).


As we can see, this boolean mode "true" or "false" was probably deprecated

因此,如果如今假"和真"值仍然适用(对于.NET Framework 2.0及更高版本),我猜当您设置假"时,它假定将使用cookie来将会话标识符存储为 UseCookies 和"true"将假定您不想将Cookie存储为 UseUri .

So if "false" and "true" values still work nowdays (for .NET framework 2.0 and above) I guess when you set "false" it assumes that will be used cookies for storing session identifier as UseCookies and "true" will assume that you don't want to store cookies as UseUri.


08-19 14:09