自从我使用 Classic ASP 和 Microsoft Access 进行一些编程以来,我们使用Microsoft.Jet.Oledb"驱动程序来访问和显示数据已经很多年了.
It has been a good number of years since I did some programming with Classic ASP and Microsoft Access where we used "Microsoft.Jet.Oledb" driver to access and display the data.
我被要求做一些使用Microsoft.Ace.Oledb"访问 MS Excel 数据的工作.我发现这是Microsoft Access 2010 Engine Redistributable"下载的一部分.
I have been asked to do some work with accessing MS Excel data using "Microsoft.Ace.Oledb". I have found this to be part of the "Microsoft Access 2010 Engine Redistributable" download.
I would like to know if "Microsoft.Jet.OleDb" has replaced "Microsoft.Ace.Oledb" driver and are essentially the same or are they completely different things?
另外,当您购买 MS Access 2010 时,您通常会获得Microsoft.Ace.Oledb"驱动程序吗?
Also, do you normally get the "Microsoft.Ace.Oledb" driver when you buy MS Access 2010?
这主要是历史问题,实际上 ACE 已经取代了 JET:
It's mainly a matter of history, effectively ACE has superceded JET:
从 2007 版开始,Access 包括一个特定于 Office 的版本Jet 最初称为 Office Access Connectivity Engine (ACE),但现在称为 Access 数据库引擎.这台发动机是与以前版本的 Jet 引擎完全向后兼容,因此它从早期的 Access 版本读取和写入 (.mdb) 文件.它引入了一种新的默认文件格式 (.accdb),它带来了几个对 Access 的改进,包括复杂的数据类型,例如多值字段、附件数据类型和历史跟踪备注字段.它还带来了安全性和加密方面的改进和支持与 Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 和Microsoft Office Outlook 2007
另外,ACE 提供了 64 位驱动程序,因此可以在 64 位机器上使用,而 JET 不能.
In addition, ACE provides a 64-bit driver, so can be used on 64-bit machines, whereas JET cannot.
驱动程序不是 Windows 操作系统的一部分,而是可作为可再发行的.[11]以前的 Jet 数据库引擎仅 32 位,并且不能在 64 位版本的本机下运行窗户.
关于你问题的第二部分,我最近安装了Office 2010,需要单独下载ACE组件.我是从 Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable 链接获得的.这可能是因为我在 64 位 Windows 下安装了 32 位版本的 Office;无论如何,必要的文件很容易从 Microsoft 获得.
As for the second part of your question, I recently installed Office 2010, and I had to download the ACE components separately. I got them from the link Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable. This is likely because I had installed a 32-bit version of Office under 64-bit Windows; in any case, the necessary files are easy to obtain from Microsoft.
这篇关于Microsoft.Jet.OleDb 和 Microsoft.Ace.OleDb 的区别的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!