本文介绍了Python scikit-learn KMeans在计算轮廓分数时被杀死(9)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我目前正在处理一个图像数据集(250 000张图像,所以与特征向量一样多,每个向量都由132个特征组成),并尝试使用sklearn提供的KMeans函数.

I'm currently working on an image dataset (250 000 images, so just as much as features vectors, everyone of them composed of 132 features) and trying to use the KMeans function provided by sklearn.

我在Mac OS X 10.10,Python 2.7和sklearn 0.15.2上运行它,过了一会儿我只得到一个:

I run it on Mac OS X 10.10, Python 2.7 and sklearn 0.15.2, and after a while I only obtain a:


Error when running these command lines:

nb_cls = int(raw_input("Number of clusters chosen :"))
clusterer = sklearn.cluster.KMeans(n_clusters=nb_cls)
clusters_labels = clusterer.fit_predict(X)
silhouette = sklearn.metrics.silhouette_score(X, clusters_labels)
print "n clusters =", nb_cls, "/ silhouette_score =", silhouette



For smaller datasets (± 2 500 images) the same algorithm is efficient and there is no such Python error.

如何避免出现Killed 9错误?这个计算对我的笔记本电脑来说是否太雄心勃勃?

How could I avoid this Killed 9 error? Is this calculation too ambitious for my laptop?



It means your script was killed by the OS. In most cases it's because it was using too much memory. It seems likely in your case as your code works fine when you use only 2 500 images.


If it is a memory problem, you will have to either get more RAM (not possible on a mac ?), use another computer with more RAM or reduce the size of the dataset.

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09-15 03:47