

在python 3.5中,我们可以使用double-splat解包来合并字典

In python 3.5, we can merge dicts by using double-splat unpacking

>>> d1 = {1: 'one', 2: 'two'}
>>> d2 = {3: 'three'}
>>> {**d1, **d2}
{1: 'one', 2: 'two', 3: 'three'}


Cool. It doesn't seem to generalise to dynamic use cases, though:

>>> ds = [d1, d2]
>>> {**d for d in ds}
SyntaxError: dict unpacking cannot be used in dict comprehension

相反,我们必须执行reduce(lambda x,y: {**x, **y}, ds, {}),这看起来很丑陋.当该表达式似乎没有任何歧义时,为什么解析器不允许一种明显的方法"?

Instead we have to do reduce(lambda x,y: {**x, **y}, ds, {}), which seems a lot uglier. Why the "one obvious way to do it" is not allowed by the parser, when there doesn't seem to be any ambiguity in that expression?


这并不完全是您的问题的答案,但我会考虑使用 ChainMap 是一种惯用而优雅的方式来完成您的建议(在线合并字典):

It's not exactly an answer to your question but I'd consider using ChainMap to be an idiomatic and elegant way to do what you propose (merging dictionaries in-line):

>>> from collections import ChainMap
>>> d1 = {1: 'one', 2: 'two'}
>>> d2 = {3: 'three'}
>>> ds = [d1, d2]
>>> dict(ChainMap(*ds))
{1: 'one', 2: 'two', 3: 'three'}


Although it's not a particularly transparent solution, since many programmers might not know exactly how a ChainMap works. Note that (as @AnttiHaapala points out) "first found is used" so, depending on your intentions you might need to make a call to reversed before passing your dicts into ChainMap.

>>> d2 = {3: 'three', 2:'LOL'}
>>> dict(ChainMap(*ds))
{1: 'one', 2: 'two', 3: 'three'}

>>> dict(ChainMap(*reversed(ds)))
{1: 'one', 2: 'LOL', 3: 'three'}


09-05 09:57