我在PIL python库中的im.transform方法遇到问题.我以为我已经弄清楚了参数A到F的逻辑,但是,尽管波纹管功能计算出的所有四个角都具有正确的正值,但最终得到的图像却朝错误的方向旋转并被切除.
I have problems with the im.transform method in PIL python library. I thought I figured out the logic of parameters, A to F, however, the resulting image gets rotated in the wrong direction and cut off although all four corners calculated by the bellow function have correct positive values.
Could anybody give me formulas to calculate affine parameters (A to F) from three identical points in both coordinate systems?
def tran (x_pic, y_pic, A, B, C, D, E, F):
X = A * x_pic + B * y_pic + C
Y = D * x_pic + E * y_pic + F
return X, Y
transform works fine for me. As an example we'll rotate an image around a center different from (0,0) with optional scaling and translation to a new center. Here is how to do it with transform:
def ScaleRotateTranslate(image, angle, center = None, new_center = None, scale = None,expand=False):
if center is None:
return image.rotate(angle)
angle = -angle/180.0*math.pi
nx,ny = x,y = center
if new_center:
(nx,ny) = new_center
if scale:
(sx,sy) = scale
cosine = math.cos(angle)
sine = math.sin(angle)
a = cosine/sx
b = sine/sx
c = x-nx*a-ny*b
d = -sine/sy
e = cosine/sy
f = y-nx*d-ny*e
return image.transform(image.size, Image.AFFINE, (a,b,c,d,e,f), resample=Image.BICUBIC)
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