我一直在学习 Python,我一直在在线文档中遇到 $ 字符.通常是这样的:
I've been learning Python, and I keep running into the $ character in online documentation. Usually it goes something like this:
$ python ez_setup.py
$ python ez_setup.py
(Yeah, I've been trying to install setup tools)
我相当肯定这个命令不适用于 python IDE 或控制台,但我已经尝试过 windows cmd 并且它不起作用.有什么帮助吗?
I'm fairly certain that this command isn't for the python IDE or console, but I've tried windows cmd and it doesn't work. Any help?
截至目前,Python 没有在其语法中实现 $
.所以,它与 Python 无关.
As of now, Python does not implement $
in its syntax. So, it has nothing to do with Python.
相反,您看到的是基于 Unix 的系统(Mac、Linux 等)的终端提示
Instead, what you are seeing is the terminal prompt of a Unix-based system (Mac, Linux, etc.)
这篇关于运行命令时 $ 是什么意思?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!