



I have a small python program which will be used locally by a small group of people (<15 people).But for accountability, i want to have a simple username+password check at the start of the program ( doesn't need to be super secure).For your information, I am just a beginner and this is my first time trying it.When i search around, i found that python has passlib for encryption. But even after looking though it i am still not sure how to implement my encryption.So, there are a few things that i want to know.

  1. 如何在本地存储用户的密码?我当时知道的唯一方法是创建一个文本文件并从中读取/写入,但这将破坏加密的全部目的,因为人们只需打开文本文件并从中读取。

  2. hash&盐意味着加密,它是如何工作的? (简单简单的解释将会做。)

  3. 实施用户名和密码检查的推荐方法是什么?


I am sorry for the stupid questions. But i will greatly appreciate if you could answers my question.


import getpass
import pickle
import hashlib
from os import path

def Encryption(data):
    return hashlib.sha224(data).hexdigest()

## First we check if the database exists.
if path.isfile('database.db'):
    fh = open('database.db', 'rb')
    db = pickle.load(fh)
## If it doesn't, we will create one.
    ## First we create the desired variable.
    db = {'torxed' : Encryption('wham'), 'someoneelse' : Encryption('pass')}
    ## Then we open a filehandle to it.
    fh = open('database.db', 'wb')
    ## And then we dump the variable into the filehandle.
    ## This will keep the variable intact between sessions,
    ## meaning the next time you start your script, the variable will look the same.
    pickle.dump(db, fh)

## Then we ask the user for his/hers credentials.
user = raw_input('Username: ')
_pass = getpass.getpass('Password: ')

## If the user exists in the "db" and the decoded password
## Matches the logged in user, it's a-ok :)
if user in db and db[user] == Encryption(_pass):
    print 'You logged in'


Adding more users

import pickle, hashlib

def Encryption(data):
    return hashlib.sha224(data).hexdigest()

with open('database.db', 'rb') as fh:
    db = pickle.load(fh)

db['new_user'] = Encryption('password')

with open('database.db', 'wb') as fh:
    pickle.dump(db, fh)

另一种方法是使用 sys.argv 在添加用户时从命令行获取用户名和密码,在这种情况下:

Another way would be to use sys.argv to get the username and password from the commandline when addings users, in that case:

import pickle, hashlib, sys
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
    raise ValueError('Need two parameters, username and password')

def Encryption(data):
    return hashlib.sha224(data).hexdigest()

with open('database.db', 'rb') as fh:
    db = pickle.load(fh)

db[sys.argv[1]] = Encryption(sys.argv[2])

with open('database.db', 'wb') as fh:
    pickle.dump(db, fh)


05-26 19:24