我们能想到多远平台独立的移动应用程序?这个问题背后的想法是 - 用更少的努力为不同平台(如 Android、iOS、Symbian)构建相同的应用程序.
How far can we think of Platform Independent Mobile Applications ? The idea behind this question was - To use less efforts for building the same application for different platforms like Android , iOS , Symbian.
我查看了一些工具并得到了一个 Open Plug.将尽快探索.您对此有何想法?
I had looked on some of the tools and got one Open Plug. Will explore ASAP. What are your ideas on it ?
然后我开始探索 PhoneGap.我发现使用 HTML、CSS、JS 构建应用程序已经足够好了,我们也可以包括 JQueryMobile 和 Sencha Touch.
EDIT :I then started exploring PhoneGap. I found it good enough to build the apps using HTML,CSS,JS, we can include JQueryMobile and Sencha Touch as well.
Appcelerator 对于非- 游戏应用程序,它使用原生 UI 元素,而不是在移动浏览器中运行应用程序,让您可以使用 JavaScript 编写代码并从一个项目部署到 Droid、iPhone、iPad 和很快的 Blackberry.
Appcelerator would be a good choice for non-game applications, it uses native UI elements as opposed to running apps in the mobile browser, lets you code in JavaScript and deploy to Droid, iPhone, iPad and soon Blackberry from one project.
对于游戏,我会查看 Corona.这使您可以在 Lua 中为 Droid 和 iPhone 进行开发,这比 JavaScript 更容易.他们最近发布了一个测试版的 Windows SDK(以前只适用于 Mac).这是一个很棒的 SDK,但缺少非游戏应用程序所需的控件.
For games I'd take a look at Corona. This lets you develop for Droid and iPhone in Lua which is even easier than JavaScript. They recently released a beta Windows SDK (it was previously Mac-only). This is a great SDK but lacks in controls that you would need for non-game applications.