正在寻找有关我的 SQL 查询的帮助.我试图找到一种方法来指定客户在两家不同商店购买或销售的情况,但如果他们在一家商店购买并在另一家商店出售,我不在乎或不希望这被计算在内.
Looking for some help with my SQL query. I am trying to find a way to specify cases in which a customer purchases or sells at two different stores, but if they purchase at one store and sell at another, I don't care or want that to count.
我已经试过了 -
Select count(distinct store) OVER(Partition BY Customer)
但它不喜欢不同的并导致错误.当我不指定 distinct 时,它会给我该客户所有观察的计数,而不仅仅是他们购买或出售的商店数量的计数.
but it doesn't like the distinct and causes an error. When I dont specify distinct, it will give me the count of all observations of that customer, instead of just the count of # of stores that they purchased from, or sold to.
根据以下数据,客户 D 是我要过滤的类型.
Based on the data below, customer D is the type im looking to filter for.
Customer Type Qty Store
A Purchase 1 2
A Purchase 2 2
A Sale 3 1
B Sale 24 1
B Sale 12 1
C Purchase 4 2
D Sale 12 2
D Purchase 4 2
D Purchase 2 1
D Purchase 2 1
select customer
from your_table
group by customer, type
having count(distinct store) > 1
这篇关于尝试根据不同字段的值计算字段的 # 个不同值的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!