本文介绍了Android YouTube App如何在巴基斯坦播放视频?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


YouTube大约在2年前已在巴基斯坦被禁止,但它仍在显示视频...但是,如果没有任何代理或vpn软件,则无法通过任何Brower访问YouTube ...请告诉我Android youtube应用的工作原理,???

YouTube is blocked in Pakistan almost 2 years ago, but it still displaying videos... But YouTube is not accessible through any Brower without any proxy or vpn software...please tell me how Android youtube app works, ???



I guess it depends on how the block is made.

例如,如果他们只是将访问权限限制为" http://www.youtube.com ",那么该应用可能会专用端点进行过滤.

If, say, they just restricted the access to "http://www.youtube.com", then the app may dedicated endpoints which go around their filtering.

或者再次,如果该阻止是在IP级别进行的,则托管API的服务器将具有与网站完全不同的IP 集.

Or again, if the block is made at IP level, the servers that hosts the APIs will have a totally different set of IPs than the website ones.


I'm just assuming, so don't take any of this for a fact.

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07-04 00:42