

似乎Fortran 90不允许在派生数据类型中使用命名常量.这是真的?以下代码不起作用.

It seems Fortran 90 does not allow named constants in derived data types. Is this true?The following code does not work.

program my_prog
implicit none
   type :: my_type
      integer, parameter :: a = 1
      real(kind(1.d0))   :: b
   end type my_type
   type (my_type) :: complex_type
end program my_prog


The compiler says parameter statement is not permitted in derived type definitions.

当我删除 parameter 关键字时,一切正常.但是,如何确定组件 a 在其他地方没有被修改?

When I remove the parameter keyword everything works fine. But then how can I make sure that the component a is not modified elsewhere?


根据标准,不允许使用.对于Fortran 90/95,组件属性说明符只能是 pointer dimension (第4.4.1节),此外, allocatable (在Fortran 2003中)(第4.5.3节),以及 codimension contiguous (对于Fortran 2008)(第4.5.4.1节).

According to the Standard, it is not allowed. The component attribute specifier may only be pointer, and dimension for Fortran 90/95 (section 4.4.1), additionally allocatable in Fortran 2003 (Section 4.5.3), and additionally codimension, and contiguousfor Fortran 2008 (section


我在 target 说明符中遇到了类似的问题,这也是不允许的.

I ran into a similar problem with the target specifier, that is also not allowed.

为什么不尝试 private 组件?

module typedef
  type :: my_type
    integer, private :: a_int = 1
    real(kind(1.d0)) :: b
    procedure :: a
  end type my_type

  function a(complex_type)
    class(my_type),intent(in) :: complex_type
    integer :: a
    a = complex_type%a_int
  end function
end module

program my_prog
  use typedef
  implicit none

  type (my_type) :: complex_type

  complex_type%b = 2.d0 ! This should work
  write(*,*) complex_type%a(), complex_type%b

!  complex_type%a_int = 3    ! This should fail

end program my_prog


07-30 01:56