

尝试使用blueimp JQuery文件上传插件上传大文件(大于1 GB).使用maxChunkSize配置发现,可以从客户端分块上传文件.服务器,我们可以获取块大小& Content-Range&的文件名Content-Disposition标头.

Trying to use blueimp JQuery file upload plugin to upload large files( greater than 1 GB). Found using the maxChunkSize configuration allows to do the file upload in chunks from client side. Server we can get chunk size & file name using Content-Range & Content-Disposition headers.


My server is Weblogic and writing server side code in a Servlet.


  1. 服务器端:如何知道请求是否为最后一个块?
  2. 服务器端如何将接收到的所有块数据写入单个文件?
  3. 由于每个块都将作为单独的请求发送,因此我如何识别分块的请求与同一文件相关?



Check the wiki of the plugin on github - it has a section on chunked file uploads.

来自 Wiki :

要支持分块上传,上传处理程序将使用 内容范围标头,由每个插件 块.

To support chunked uploads, the upload handler makes use of the Content-Range header, which is transmitted by the plugin for each chunk.


Check the example PHP code linked above.


Each Content-Range request header will contain the range of bytes of the file contained in that request as well as the total number of bytes of the file. So, you can check the end value of the range against the total number of bytes to determine if the request contains the last chunk or not.


Check the example given in this section on W3C's website.

您可以将内存中的所有块收集到一个数组中,然后一次将它们写入文件中-但这对于较大的文件可能效率不高. Java的IO API通过提供初始偏移量来提供写入文件部分的方法.检查问题.

You can collect all the chunks in memory in an array and then write them to a file in one-go - but this can be inefficient for larger files. Java's IO API provides methods to write to sections of files by providing an initial offset. Check this question.


Check for the Content-Range header in each request - if a request has that header then it is one of the many chunk-upload requests. Using the value of the header, you can figure out which part/section of the file is contained in that request.


Also, the Content-Disposition header in the request will contain the file name using which you can link various requests of the same file.


07-23 10:44