


With reference to this question there is a so-called 'install' phase in CMake. I'm used to run CMake in a sequence that looks like this:

cmake ..
cmake --build . --config Debug
cmake --build . --config Release

是否有 cmake --install 打算在此之后调用命令行开关吗?

Is there a cmake --install command line switch meant to be invoked after this?

尽管我认为它之间存在某种联系,但我并不是在寻找所谓的 install 命令(我认为这是函数而不是命令,但这可能是术语问题)。

Although I figure it is somehow related, I'm not looking for the so called install command here (I perceive this to be a function rather than a command, but this is likely a terminology issue).


否,此开关不存在(直到CMake 3.15,请参阅我的其他答案)。

No, this switch does not exist (until CMake 3.15, see my other answer).

如果项目使用 install 命令,它将生成目标 install 。您可以使用

If a project uses the install command, it generates the target install. You can call it with

cmake --build . --target install


This uses CMake's Build Tool Mode, which is an abstract interface for a couple of commands to the native build tool (e.g. make or Ninja) and can also be used to pass arbitrary arguments to the native build tool.


05-27 21:41