I'm developing several web services and a handful of clients (web app, mobile, etc.) which will interface with said services over HTTP(s). My current work item is to design an authentication and authorization solution for the product. I have decided to leverage external identity providers, such as Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Twitter, and the like for authentication.
I'm trying to solve the problem of, "when a request comes to my server, how do I know who the user is and how can I be sure?". More questions below as well...
- 依赖于外部身份,表明谁我处理('用户id'本质上是我所关心的)。
- Rely on external identities to indicate who I'm dealing with ('userId' essentially is all I care about).
The system should use token based authentication (as opposed to cookies for example or basic auth).
I believe this is the right choice for scaling across multiple clients and servers while providing loose coupling.
根据我的阅读和基于令牌认证的认识,下面是我想象中的工作流中。让我们关注目前在 Facebook在Web浏览器中。我的假设是,其他外部标识提供者应该有类似的功能,虽然我还没有证实,只是还没有。
Based on my reading and understanding of token based authentication, the following is how I imagine the workflow to be. Let's focus for now on Facebook in a web browser. My assumption is that other external identity providers should have similar capabilities, though I have not confirmed just yet.
Note, as of writing, I'm basing the following off of Facebook login version 2.2
- 客户:使用的
- Facebook的:用户认证和批准的应用权限(为例如接入用户的公开资料)
- Facebook的:将响应客户,其中包含用户的访问令牌,ID和签名的请求
- 客户:存储用户访问浏览器会话令牌(的)
- 客户:由授权头+用户的ID沿用户的访问令牌发送(在自定义标题可能)向一个安全的资源我的web服务的请求
- 服务器:从请求头中读取用户的访问令牌,并通过向被Facebook所提供的debug_token图形API的请求启动验证
- Facebook的:回应返回与用户访问令牌信息服务器(包含APPID和用户id)
- 服务器:通过比较APPID什么是预期的(众所周知的本身)和用户id到什么是对客户端的请求发送 完成令牌验证
- 服务器:响应客户端请求与资源(假设快乐的授权路径)
- Client: Initiates login for Facebook using the JavaScript SDK
- Facebook: User authenticates and approves app permissions (to access user's public profile for example)
- Facebook: Sends response to client which contains user’s access token, ID, and signed request
- Client: Stores user access token in browser session (handled by SDK conveniently)
- Client: Makes a request to my web service for a secure resource by sending along the user’s access token in the authorization header + the user’s ID (in custom header potentially)
- Server: Reads user access token from request header and initiates verification by sending a request to the debug_token graph API provided by Facebook
- Facebook: Responds back to the server with the user access token info (contains appId and userId)
- Server: Completes verification of the token by comparing the appId to what is expected (known to itself) and the userId to what was sent on the client request
- Server: Responds to client with requested resource (assuming the happy authorization path)
我想象步骤5-9将重复后续请求到服务器(而用户的访问令牌是有效的 - 没有过期,从侧面FB撤销,应用权限更改等)
I’m imagining steps 5-9 would be repeated for subsequent requests to the server (while the user’s access token is valid – not expired, revoked from FB side, app permissions changed, etc.)
下面是一个图,以帮助的步骤走。请理解这个系统的不可以单页应用(SPA)。提到的Web服务是服务JSON数据返回到客户基本API端点;他们没有提供HTML / JS / CSS(与Web客户端的服务器除外)。
Here's a diagram to help go along with the steps. Please understand this system is not a single page application (SPA). The web services mentioned are API endpoints serving JSON data back to clients essentially; they are not serving HTML/JS/CSS (with the exception of the web client servers).
First and foremost, are there any glaring gaps / pit falls with the described approach based on my preface and requirements?
是验证访问令牌进行Facebook的出站请求,每个客户端请求(上述步骤6-8) 要求/建议?
Is performing an outbound request to Facebook for verifying the access token (steps 6-8 above) per client request required / recommended?
I know in the very least, I must verify the access token coming from client request. However, the recommended approach for subsequent verifications after the first is unknown to me. If there are typical patterns, I’m interested in hearing about them. I understand they may be application dependent based on my requirements; however, I just don’t know what to look for yet. I’ll put in the due diligence once I have a basic idea.
Hash the access token + userId pair after first verification is complete and store it in a distributed cache (accessible by all web servers) with expiry equal to access token’s. Upon subsequent requests from the clients, hash the access token + userId pair and check its existence in the cache. If present, then request is authorized. Otherwise, reach out to Facebook graph API to confirm the access token. I’m assuming this strategy might be feasible if I’m using HTTPS (which I will be). However, how does performance compare?
在this 建议Facebook的用户令牌的第一核实后创建一个自定义的访问令牌的StackOverflow问题是完整的。然后将自定义的令牌将被发送到客户端后续请求。我想知道如果这比上面的解决方案更为复杂,但是。这就需要实现我自己的身份提供程序(这是我想避免,因为我想首先使用外部标识提供者...)。是否有任何好处这一建议?
The accepted answer in this StackOverflow question recommends creating a custom access token after the first verification of the Facebook user token is complete. The custom token would then be sent to the client for subsequent requests. I’m wondering if this is more complex than the above solution, however. This would require implementing my own Identity Provider (something I want to avoid because I want to use external identity providers in the first place…). Is there any merit to this suggestion?
Is the signedRequest field present on the response in step #3 above (mentioned here), equivalent to the signed request parameter here in the ‘games canvas login’ flow?
They seem to be hinted as equivalent since the former links to the latter in the documentation. However, I’m surprised the verification strategy mentioned on the games page isn’t mentioned in the ‘manually building a login flow’ page of the web documentation.
If the answer to #3 is ‘Yes’, can the same identity confirmation strategy of decoding the signature and comparing to what is expected be used on the server-side?
I’m wondering if this can be leveraged instead of making an outbound call to the debug_token graph API (step #6 above) to confirm the access token as recommended here:
Of course, in order to make the comparison on the server-side, the signed request portion would need to be sent along with the request to the server (step #5 above). In addition to feasibility without sacrificing security, I’m wondering how the performance would compare to making the outbound call.
While I’m at it, in what scenario / for what purpose, would you persist a user's access token to a database for example?I don’t see a scenario where I would need to do this, however, I may be overlooking something. I’m curious was some common scenarios might be to spark some thoughts.
From what you describe I'd suggest to use a server-side login flow as described in
- https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/manually-build-a-login-flow/v2.2
so that the token is already on your server, and doesn't need to be passed from the client. If you're using non-encrypted connections, this could be a security risk (e.g. for man-in-the-middle attacks).
You need to specify the permission you want to gather from the users in the scope
parameter. The request can be triggered just via a normal link:
GET https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth?
GET https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token?
You can inspect the token as you already said in your question via
GET /debug_token?input_token={token-to-inspect}
This should only be done server-side, because otherwise you'd make you app access token visible to end users (not a good idea!).
Once you got the (short-lived) token, you can do a call to extend the token as described in
- https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/access-tokens#extending
GET /oauth/access_token?grant_type=fb_exchange_token
Concerning the storing of the tokens on the server, FB suggests to do so:
由于FB不通知你,如果令牌已过期(如果你不保存失效日期,并拨打电话之前比较这对当前的时间戳),它可能是你从FB收到错误消息,如果令牌得到无效(最大后60天)。错误code将 190
As FB doesn't notify you if a token has expired (and if you don't save the expiry date and compare this to the current timestamp before making a call), it's possible that you receive error messages from FB if the token got invalid (after max. 60 days). The error code will be 190
"error": {
"message": "Error validating access token: Session has expired at unix
time SOME_TIME. The current unix time is SOME_TIME.",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 190