

在Unity3D游戏中,连接到FB(无论是否使用新的FB Unity API,每个人都经常使用的p31插件或编写自己的插件)

In a Unity3D game, connecting to FB (whether using the new FB Unity API, the p31 plugins everyone has usually used, or writing one's own plugin),


Using "me/photos" or "me/photos" you can indeed upload images (I mean literally send an array of bytes).

假设您实际上想要使用 FB.FeedShare().


Note, there are two reason you may want to do this:


(1) the dialog is great, you may prefer to use it for user's pleasure


(2) you do not need to get so many permissions from the user or for your app, to use FB.FeedShare().



Does anyone know decisively...


Is there a way to include an image with FB.FeedShare()?



If the answer is "absolutely no" it would be great to know that.


(Of course you can include a URL of an image. One could cross-post the generated PNG to some web site, and then give the URL. But indeed, I wouldn't be surprised if FB is against that procedure - perhaps the FB systems detect this and ban it, I don't know.)



No, that is not possible - it has to be a publicly reachable HTTP(S) URL.

但是将图像发布到其他地方,以便可以通过HTTP从那里请求它就很好了; Facebook对此没有任何问题. (但是,如果您是许多其他用户之一,则不要为此选择任何免费托管人"平台-如果其中一个用户行为不当并张贴了不适当的图像,则域/服务器IP可能会被阻止,那么您的图像将无法工作也没有.)

But posting the image to somewhere else, so that it can then be requested from there via HTTP, is perfectly fine; Facebook has no problem with that. (But don’t choose any "free hoster" platform for that where you are one of lots of other users - if one of them misbehaves and posts inappropriate images, the domain/server IP might get blocked, and then your image would not work any more either.)


Not sure about it in this particular situation, you'd have to try and see if it works.

但是,当您将og:image元标记放入文档中并让FB刮板从那里获取图像时,它们不允许您在Facebook上使用图像.在调试工具中将给出错误消息,提示不允许使用来自Facebook CDN的图像.因此,通过其他方式(例如Feed对话框)共享链接时,可能会是相同的.

But they don't allow you to use images "on" Facebook when you put an og:image meta tag into a document and have the FB scraper fetch it from there; in the debug tool that will give an error message saying using images from Facebook's CDN is not allowed. So it might be the same when sharing a link via other means such as the Feed dialog.


10-30 04:27