你好朋友.我正在使用AWS AppSync + DynamoDB构建应用程序,并且开始有大量解析器映射模板,所有模板均使用Apache Velocity模板语言(VTL)编写.
Hello friends.I'm in the process of building an application using AWS AppSync + DynamoDB and I'm starting to have quite a large pile of resolver mapping templates, all which are written using the Apache Velocity Template Language (VTL).
The concern I'm starting to have is that these vtl files are quite critical to the application (since they define how data is retrieved) and a bug in one of the could wreak havoc. So like any critical part of a system... I would like to write some automated unit tests for them. But I haven't found much about others doing this.
- 如果您正在使用VTL(通过AppSync或API网关),如何测试它们?
- 是否有可能向速度模板编写自动化测试?
- 还是我走错了道路,我应该只使用Lambda作为我的解析器?
我花了一些时间自己弄清楚这一点,但是我找到了一种为VTL请求和响应模板编写单元测试的好方法.我使用了 amplify-appsync-simulator
npm包的VelocityTemplate类.到目前为止,我唯一需要注意的是,您需要在VTL中使用 $ context
,模拟器的VTL渲染器无法识别缩写的 $ ctx
It took me a while to figure this out myself, but I found a good way to write unit tests for my VTL request and response templates. I used the amplify-appsync-simulator
npm package's VelocityTemplate class. The only caveat I have seen so far is that you need to use $context
in your VTL, the abbreviated $ctx
is not recognized by the simulators VTL renderer. Check it out:
#set( $timeNow = $util.time.nowEpochMilliSeconds() )
"version" : "2018-05-29",
"operation" : "PutItem",
"key": {
"pk" : { "S" : "game#${util.autoId()}" },
"sk" : { "S" : "meta#${timeNow}" }
"attributeValues" : {
"players": { "L" : [
{ "M" : {
## num and color added at start game
"player": $util.dynamodb.toDynamoDBJson($context.args.input.player)
"createdBy": { "S": "${context.identity.sub}"},
"gsipk": { "S": "${context.args.input.status}"},
"gsisk": { "S": "${context.args.input.level}#${context.args.input.maxPlayers}"},
"gsipk2": {"S": "game"},
"turns": { "L": [] },
"nextPlayerNum": { "N": 1 },
"createdAt": { "N": ${timeNow} },
"updatedAt": { "N": ${timeNow} }
import { AmplifyAppSyncSimulator } from 'amplify-appsync-simulator'
import { VelocityTemplate } from "amplify-appsync-simulator/lib/velocity"
import { readFileSync } from 'fs'
import path from 'path';
const vtl = readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '..', 'addGame-request-mapping-template.vtl'))
const template = {
content: vtl
const velocity = new VelocityTemplate(template, new AmplifyAppSyncSimulator)
describe('valid user and request', () => {
// This is the graphql input
const validContext = {
arguments: {
input: {
player: 'player#1234',
maxPlayers: 4,
status: 'new',
level: 7
source: {}
// This is a logged in user with a JWT
const requestContext = {
requestAuthorizationMode: 'OPENID_CONNECT',
jwt: {
sub: 'abcd1234'
const info = {
fieldNodes: []
it('works', () => {
const result = velocity.render(validContext, requestContext, info)
result: {
version: "2018-05-29",
operation: "PutItem",
key: {
pk: { S: expect.stringMatching(/^game#[a-f0-9-]*$/) },
sk: { S: expect.stringMatching(/^meta#[0-9]*$/)}
attributeValues: {
players: {
L: [
{ M: { player: { S: validContext.arguments.input.player }}}
createdBy: { S: requestContext.jwt.sub },
gsipk: { S: validContext.arguments.input.status },
gsisk: { S: `${validContext.arguments.input.level}#${validContext.arguments.input.maxPlayers}`},
gsipk2: { S: 'game' },
turns: { L: [] },
nextPlayerNum: { N: 1 },
createdAt: { N: expect.any(Number) },
updatedAt: { N: expect.any(Number) }
stash: {},
errors: [],
isReturn: false